There are some laws in the United States that can seem quite harsh or overly cautious. For instance, the legal drinking age in the US is 21 but in most other developed countries it’s 18 or even lower. However, for any American citizens who prefer more lenient laws, you might be pleased to know that there are plenty of things that are legal in the United States but are banned in other countries. In fact, the people over at 9GAG put together a helpful list post featuring fourteen things you can do in the US but can’t elsewhere.
Do you agree or disagree with physical punishment being banned?

We think there were good intentions behind this but the reality is some people choose, enjoy and earn a good living from working in strip clubs.

We had no idea of that statistic!

We are glad that numerous countries are tackling the plastic crisis.

We think this is good. Seeing chewed gum stuck to various public places is just gross.

Another thing we had never heard of before!

Every little helps.

Well done Bhutan!

This probably makes more sense.

Strange to only ban it towards children for ‘ruining French cuisine’. Kids are hardly top class food critics!

We respect other countries but dictating to people that they aren’t allowed to have Western hairstyles doesn’t sit right.

It sounds like Russia made a great decision!

We think that this is fair and logical!

32 years in prison and 4,500 lashes? Utterly shocking.

Source: 9gag