How do you deal with certain life fails? Life is like a roller coaster ride, it has its ups and downs. It’s up to you whether to scream in terror or relish the thrill. Remember that there’s no such thing as a perfect life. Some days may be good, and some days may be as equally bad. Everything in this world follows a certain balance. And we can’t do anything to change that because it’s nature’s way of stabilizing everything. So if you’re having a bad day, don’t fret and just let it pass. It only means better days are ahead, only if you can survive your horrible days alive. These people share their unfortunate experiences for the hope to spread laughter to other people. We have gathered hilarious photos of people who took life fails to a whole new level.
So close and yet so far. See how a one-point difference can greatly change an outcome.

When you picked the unlucky number of the day.
While everyone’s getting their Christmas wishes come true, one unhappy man is feeling the loneliness of winter.

A lunch is a lunch, don’t give any meaning to it.

What part of no don’t you understand?

The ocean doesn’t approve of this proposal. Epic fail!

We’re all suckers for special offers but not for this one.

People laughing off their misfortunes
What a nice day for a swing! (swing breaks) What a nice day to lie on the ground…

Someone tried to bite this artificial fruit decor at a furniture store. So sad, that person must really be starving.

If you’re lucky, you can also find amazing discounts such as this. Well, what do you know! $0.10 discount is a great deal!

It’s like these shopping carts are trying to tell you “You shall not pass!” in Gandalf’s voice.

Walking down the aisle with a long train isn’t only for the brides. It can be done by anyone.

When you try to hit on different girls and get busted so easily. Yeah, bye!

Have I been living inside my cave for too long? I didn’t realize that fake eyelashes go with a different name now.

Poor girl has to catch all those sunflower seeds by herself.