We all know that cartoons and animations aimed at kids should be taken with a pinch of salt. However, there are some things that you see that you can’t help but feel baffled towards! Of course, not everything needs to be absolutely realistic, but there are some things that could easily have been tweaked to make more sense. Here we have some hilarious proof that logic does not exist in animation! Take a look!
Proof That Logic Does Not Exist In Animation
Since when do crabs have whales for children?!

The Flintstones celebrated Christmas before Jesus was even born.

How do Arthur’s glasses stay on?

It seems nipples are optional!

Apparently gravity only kicks in when the characters realize they are about to fall!

Well, they look like some very secure handcuffs… not.

We’re not sure that listening to music through your eyes would work very well…

If only this cage had bars wide enough for the characters to fit through. Oh wait…

How is it possible that no one in the entire kingdom had the same size feet as Cinderella?

His cigar is most definitely in his mustache!

There’s something that doesn’t quite add up here!

Tom and Jerry don’t wear clothes, unless they go to the beach, of course!

Watering plants underwater. Someone really didn’t think this through!

A simple mask and a change of clothes makes you unrecognizable, apparently!

How does Phineas get his t-shirt on?