Throughout the history of ‘Disney’, princesses have always been a huge hit. From ‘Snow White’, produced way back in the 1930s, to the more recent princesses, such as Merida from ‘Brave’. They’ve captured the imagination of the masses, and their popularity doesn’t seem to be declining, although they are certainly adapting with the times. If you’re a fan of all things Disney princess, check out these magical facts that you might not know!
Tiana was going to be a chambermaid in ‘The Princess and the Frog’, but it was decided to be a bit of a negative stereotype, so instead she was given a more empowering role as an aspiring restaurateur!

Disney has confirmed that Snow White is only 14, making her the youngest Disney princess, and also raising some questions about her prince!

The film ‘Sleeping Beauty’ was actually unsuccessful when it was released, but has since become a classic.

Ariel was originally going to be blond, but was changed to a redhead to avoid comparisons with the mermaid from ‘Splash’, which had recently been released.

Pocahontas is the only princess to be based on a real-life person. Mulan is the next closest thing, but she is based upon a legend, and may or may not have actually existed!

The song ‘Part of Your World’ almost wasn’t included in ‘The Little Mermaid’, as some executives thought it was too boring!

Although the character Mulan was such a favorite that she is included on the official Disney Princesses roster, she is not actually a princess at all!

Snow White is the only Disney princess to have a star on the ‘Hollywood Walk of Fame’!

Walt Disney himself admitted that his favorite Disney character was Cinderella, as he identified with her the most.

When they appear in images together, Disney princesses never make eye contact. That’s because they exist in different fictional universes, so would have no knowledge of the others’ existence!

Disney’s ‘Cinderella’ is the only version in which Cinderella seems to be the actual given name of the eponymous character. In other versions, it’s a mean nickname given to her by her nasty stepmother and stepsisters, since she’s always dirty and covered in cinders from all the chores they make her do!

Merida is the very first Disney princess who doesn’t have an American accent!

Belle is the only person in her village who wears blue. This may be to visually represent what an outcast she is.

Despite the film evolving around her, Aurora only has 18 lines and 18 minutes of screen time in ‘Sleeping Beauty’.

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