Can you imagine what it would be like if animals lived in their own versions of human towns? Fully equipped with buildings, furniture and food that suited their size? Don’t worry if not, we hadn’t really either. But, here we present a group of people who not only imagined such a thing, but also brought this idea to life! They built a miniature town for hamsters called ‘Yumville’. It took 1984 hours and 1325 tiny details. Take a look below to see the town itself and to find out more!
Website: Behance
There is a cinema called ‘APOLLO’ that is a replica of the oldest movie theaters in Georgia.

We love the polka dot shower curtain! However, we would probably swap out the wall art!

A bedroom that is wonderfully styled!

Looking longingly at the comfy bed…

Here you see an adorable bookshop ‘Eat, Read, Love’.

The miniature town for hamsters was actually created to be a set for an online series about a lovely little family obsessed with delicious food.

We absolutely adore all of the little details!

No flames in this fire place… just yummy food!

The sun is shining through.

It was made sure that everything was hamster-accessible!

We seriously love the furniture!

The cosy touches are just perfect.

More snacks. You can never have too many snacks!

This adorable creature makes the sweetcorn look huge!

This town may need to hire a trash collector or two…

Fully equipped with gym equipment…

This is what we imagine nosy neighbors to be like!

Here you can see a fantastic snow covered version!

All of this miniature furniture has got us wanting to redecorate our own homes!

The hamsters posing for a movie poster!

Behind The Scenes
You can see how much effort went in to this project!

Making Of ‘The Hungry Hungry Hamsters’