A Japanese design firm called D-Bro has created what are probably the world's first mirrored cups. The range of tea cups is called 'Watlz' and they get their pretty patterns and designs by reflection, when you place them on the saucers they come with. Without the saucers, they are just plain mirrored cups! The cups, which are made from Hasami porcelain, are coated with palladium a precious metal that's rarer than silver or gold. The manufacturers of these cups have to be extremely careful to make the cups absolutely perfect because any slight bump will ruin the effect when they are placed with a saucer. The saucers are painted with all sorts of anamorphic designs. They appear somewhat distorted to the eye when you look at the saucer, however are mirrored into a more cohesive picture on the cup, when it's placed on the saucer. Just like magic!
Website: D-bros.jp
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