It is a night mare for every parent to receive a worrying phone call from their child’s school. Your mind immediately jumps to the worst possible scenarios. What if they have had a serious accident, or even worse? Below we have a mom from England who explains an incident that occurred one day when she was at work as an accident and emergency nurse. She is asked to attend her daughter’s school to discuss a serious situation where it is implied that her daughter is in trouble. Upon arriving, the mom is incredibly shocked to find out what has actually happened. Take a look and see what you make of who’s in the right and who’s in the wrong.
Website: NotAlwaysLearning

So, what do you make of the situation? Did the mom hit the nail on the head and put everyone in their rightful place? Did the teachers fail to adhere to an appropriate level of duty of care? Or, was the daughter wrong for hitting the boy pupil despite what he did? Could she have handled the boy in another way or had she already exhausted all of her available options? Let us know what you would have done in both the mom and daughter’s situations, and your opinions on the teachers and boy’s parents, in the comments section below!