A great movie should be quotable, at least in parts. If you can’t remember a single line from your favorite movie, then maybe it wasn’t such an excellent piece of cinema after all! Ian Simmons is certainly a fan of classic lines from films, as he set out to create a hand-lettered movie quote every day for a year. Some of them go along with an illustration, whereas others are elaborate enough simply with the lettering. All of these awesome quotes are available to buy as prints on Simmons’ Etsy page and are must-haves for all you film geeks out there! Take a look at these fourteen incredible hand-lettered movie quotes!
Website: Etsy
Yoda is wise!

Who doesn’t love Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?!

People have more power than they realize!

Harry Potter fans will love this one!

Maybe this would be a good one to display in your kitchen!

Sometimes you just have to get your science on.

Yes, yes you are, Jack!

The lettering on this one is amazing!

Unfortunately, they often aren’t!

Love is all you need.

Keep on keeping on and you’ll be just fine.

We love this one! Incredible!

Don’t let anyone tell you what you can or can’t do.

Everyone has their price!

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