2020 is the beginning of a new decade which means that we have a ton new of things to be excited about. Rumor has it that there are new Kit Kat flavors already in the works to deliciously start the new year! 2019 has been a really great year for the wafer snack and its fans. We’ve enjoyed lots of delightful offerings from them this year. One of the most important was Kit Kat Japan’s announcement of its plastic-free wrapping.
This had eco-warriors around the world rejoicing. Now in the final weeks of 2019, Walmart has leaked that the world’s favorite wafer snack brand is testing out some interesting and mouthwatering flavors in anticipation for the new decade.

Walmart leaked the new Kit Kat flavors with the help of Instagram influencers
Instagram food blogger @markie_devo unveiled the fascinating four Kit Kat variants on November 25. The packaging of the new Kit Kats are strikingly different from usual. For one, the wrapper sports a sleek white look instead of its trademark red. According to the leak, we may be seeing Cotton Candy, Chocolate Cream Pie, Cherry Cola and even Orange Creamsicle Kit Kats stocked on shelves next year. Kit Kat is yet to officially confirm these new items. Hopefully we’ll get to try them all next year!
Kit Kat is no stranger to experimenting. However, Kit Kat Japan certainly holds the title for having the strangest flavor combinations including soy bean powder flavor and mango! People all over the world, us included, pine for these unique Japanese Kit Kats. So the news that Walmart’s might be distributing these new flavors is very good news for us!
There might be more flavors coming out aside from the initial fantastic four
Instagrammer @junkfoodleaks added to the hype with their revelation that two other flavors may come out next year as well. The flavors are something we’re all very much familiar with. According to the blog, Apple Pie and Birthday Cake Kit Kats may soon hit Walmart shelves. In comparison with the initial four flavors, the Apple Pie isn’t really new. The variant is actually pretty popular in Japan.
The white packaging may just be the company’s way of distinguishing which items are on probation before being put on wider circulation. This means that all, some, or none of these flavors will make it to Walmart’s shelves in 2020. These Kit Kats will only be available for a limited time period. So you’d better keep your eyes open for these delightful break-time snacks! Which of these new flavors would you like to try the most?