You always take a bit of chance when you shop online. Even if you do your research, you can sometimes end up being short changed. These poor people know this all to well. From shirts that are too tight to cat toys that are minuscule, they’re all here. Yes, shopping online is easy and convenient, but nothing can ever really match up to buying in store. Take a look at these hilarious online shopping fails and be sure to let us know in the comments if you have any of your own. They are totally shocking!
The Eiffel tower is in London! Who knew?

This one guy ordered a fryer and got a cotton candy machine instead. To be fair this isn’t too disappointing…

Some poor person ordered a Christmas tree and received this sad pathetic thing.

That’s not how it’s supposed to look!

We’d be so mad if we bought this “TV”!

These were meant to be plain black sweatpants!

They ordered a ukulele and got a crossbow!

This guy’s tights are a bit on the small side.

This girl ordered 10 random T-shirts for her guy and got these!

Hmm. That T looks a little tight.

This one guy bought 50 chairs online. He didn’t bargain on them being baby-sized!

That’s either a huge phone or a very small desk lamp!

Rug expectations vs. rug reality.

The struggle is real.

Had enough yet? Of course you haven’t! We bet you’re laughing out loud at these epic fails. And, there’s still lots more to come! So, keep on scrolling to see some purchases that people wish they’d never made. Some of these are utterly ridiculous but thankfully hilarious. Proceed with gratitude that you haven’t received any of these terrible items in the mail and remember to always read the fine print! Wait until you see the Winnie the Pooh face mask. It’ll haunt your dreams for weeks!
What a shame.

This smart watch doesn’t look so smart!

What is it with these tiny online purchases?!

This is terrifying!

He ordered an Xbox.

Making the best out of a bad situation!

He ordered a solenoid valve.

This person got a fake Sharpie in their mail!

This is not the jacket she ordered.

When you receive another families ornament…

This kitty is not amused.

Well, they did ask for blank name badges.

If an online offer seems too good to be true it probably is.

Something tells us that this isn’t authentic.