If you struggle to maintain a de-cluttered and organized office space, you're not alone. Maybe your home office is tight on space, or perhaps you've had to cram everything into the box room. It may just be that you are a messy person by nature, but if not, then the following DIY ways to organize your office will be sure to help you out!
Check out part 1 of our DIY ways to organize your office:
15 Awesome DIY Ways to Organize Your Office – Part 1
Use a piece of wood with holes drilled into it to make a cute pencil holder.

Baskets with hang tags can make for great storage, particularly for your craft room.

Office clips can be a great way to banish cord clutter and tangles.

Old coffee jars can be painted or wrapped in decorative paper and stacked to make a great desk organizer.

Clothes pegs on wire or string can make a great alternative to a pinboard.

Why not use an old dish rack to store office items?

Here's another example of how pegs can be utilized as an easy organization method.

Basic open shelving is great for de-cluttering.

You can make great pencil or pen organizers out of old milk containers.

An organizer can be fashioned out of an old frame.

A nicely appointed craft room utilizing plastic cups, towel racks and a magnet.

Another nicely appointed crafting space.

Good use of a small office space.

Minimalist float wall desk.

A well-appointed and well-organized DIY sewing room complete with fairy lights.

Easy tin can desk organizers.

Check out part 1 of our DIY ways to organize your office:
15 Awesome DIY Ways to Organize Your Office – Part 1