It’s extremely common for people to look at everyday objects and notice something that isn’t really there, a shape or face, for example. This is actually a form of ‘Pareidolia’ which is a generalized term for seeing patterns in random data. It is a psychological phenomenon where the mind responds to a stimulus, perceiving or recognizing something that isn’t truly there. So, now when you see a cloud in the shape of rabbit, or a face in your piece of fruit, you know the proper name for what is happening! Here we have an amusing selection of faces found in everyday objects. Take a look!
‘Oh no! It seems I cannot get up!’

President Trump is that you?

Bird poop that resembles a pigeon head…

These boxes are definitely up to something…

A rare sighting of a cactus doing some rock climbing…

‘Stop in the name of the law!’

Excellent camouflage if we do say so ourselves…

‘Everybody calm down and stop shouting!’

The cookie monster is off on a journey…

Is that a floor or a mirror?

This ghost does not like egg yolk!

What awesome fire hair this fire lady possesses…

This friendly bag is happy to hold your items for you!

Are you a monster or a man?!

Well, these images have certainly put us in an amused mood! Isn’t it funny the way that our brains work sometimes? We would be curious to know how many of us would have spotted the faces straight away if we weren’t aware that this was a post based around that subject? After all, it’s definitely easier to find something when we’re told what we’re looking for. Nevertheless, it’s still lots of fun! Keep going to see even more hilarious faces found in everyday objects!
The unfortunate result of one drink too many…

Legend has it if you enter this tunnel, you never come back…

Bow down to the Goddess of the sun!

Pac Man must be feeling a little chilly…

Sideshow Bob is that you?

These pots look a bit too happy for our liking…

Is this creature giving us the finger?!

These evil slipper twins are hatching their next plan of destruction…

Aww. Snoopy sitting under the moon.

This suitcase really doesn’t want to go back into storage!

This car is watching you at all times, beware!

This tree just adores hugs!

The reflection in this image is spooky!

‘Please don’t do it! Ill tell you anything you want to know, just stop with this torture!’