We all have different abilities when it comes to our kitchen talents. Some of us are of chef standard whilst others can’t even make toast without messing it up. No matter your skill level, most people will have at least a few embarrassing occurrences in their lifetime, if not way more! Here we have a selection of people sharing the things that have gone wrong for them in the kitchen. Some are so strange you’ll find it hard to believe they even happened! Take a look and prepare to feel better about your own cooking blunders!
Website: Whisper
What a disappointment!

At least they weren’t a complete waste then!

They are some severely ruined eggs.

Note to self… always tie back your hair when cooking!

You have to watch out for that pesky oil…


How could you not hear the microwave still going for that long?!

Rookie mistake…


The last thing you want to happen when you think you’re cake is finally finished!

A common mishap…


But, why was it green?

Face palm…

It’s easy to read these tales and think that they would never happen to you, but no one plans to fail miserably! Although many of these instances did lack common sense, we commend these people for actually trying. If you’re someone reading this post that finds themselves relating to the disasters, then you can feel better knowing that you aren’t alone. We want to thank these people for sharing their unfortunate events and for providing us with some amusement. Keep going to read more cooking fails!

Poor oven mitt!

Salty poo? How? Why?

You learn something new everyday…

What a mess.

Hopefully it hasn’t put him off of cooking!


The moment the penny drops…

Predicting the future is a talent many moms possess.

This must have been quite frightening as a child…

Wow. We would actually like to have seen this one…

Whenever you feel bad just remember that some people can set boiling water on fire…
