The welfare system in America is something that leaves many people divided. Some people think that helping others is a must even if certain people abuse the help, the genuine one’s shouldn’t suffer for it. However, other people think that the welfare system is extremely flawed and are fed up of contributing to it with their taxes. Below we have a selection of images where people share their reasoning for wanting an end to the welfare system. Take a look and see if you agree or disagree with these people!
Website: Whisper
People Share Their Reasons For Wanting An End To The Welfare System
It certainly is an abused system.
We think that this is a good idea!
Being on welfare doesn’t automatically equate to ‘not trying in life’.
Unfortunately there will always be those who take advantage and make bad decisions.
Let’s hope that this person never ended up in need of welfare themselves.
Unfortunately not everyone would choose to help others off of their own backs.
We don’t think all immigration would stop.
Single mothers (and fathers) do not always choose or plan to end up on their own.
Lazy freeloaders will always exist. Should genuine people in need suffer because of them?
At least this person has constructive suggestions.
It is a shame how some people bring numerous children into the world that they cannot afford to support.
Not everyone wants to retire at 60!
This seems way too harsh. Not all people on welfare are failures!
What about all the other things that taxes pay for?