We are fortunate enough to have the privilege to see and appreciate all the beautiful things around us. But what if this privilege is taken away from you suddenly? How would you accept the sad truth that you’ll never be able to see at all? Finding out that you’re going blind is a heartbreaking reality that is hard to accept. However, life must go on and one must face reality no matter how harsh it is. Losing one or two of our senses isn’t the end of the world for us. But many people wonder about how to move towards the phase of acceptance and how to prepare for it.
These people are willing to share their own experiences. Their stories will make you appreciate your gift of vision that we usually take for granted.
Love will find its way because love knows no disability.

You are strong enough to face it all.

Lying is not an option. There’s only one truth that you need to face.

Friends come in and out of your life. But only the real ones stay.

Support from others shouldn’t feel like an inconvenience or burden.

The truth hurts but it doesn’t kill.

True love conquers all things.

Surround yourself with people who actually care for you and get rid of those who don’t.

Live your dreams and appreciate everything that you have while you still can.

Nothing in life prepares you for discovering that you are going blind. Until the moment of truth comes and you have no choice but to accept and carry on.
We don’t lose friends, we just learn who the real ones are.

Life becomes easier when you learn to accept your weakness.

Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes see is darkness.

When two people really care for each other, they always find a way to make it work.

Be strong enough to stand alone but smart enough to know when you need help from other people.

Time doesn’t heal anything but it teaches us how to live with the pain.

Some people have their own priorities.

Life works upon a compensating balance. You may end up losing something but you’ll probably gain other good things in return.

Only with acceptance comes recovery.

When people walk away from you, let them go. They don’t deserve you.

The most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart. There is nothing more precious than a mother’s love that supports you.

Ignorance is a poison that kills all the good feelings.

Accept what is, let go of what was and have faith in what will be.