The most surprising things happen when people fail to pay attention to what’s going on around them. Are these people just too lazy to keep their focus or are there some other reasons for their negligence? But no one gets away from making careless mistakes and ignoring instructions. If you fail to heed relevant details, sloppy errors are likely to occur. And these errors usually lead to hilarious outcomes that keep other people paying attention to us instead. So may we have your full attention now? We have assembled our list of the funniest examples of people who failed to pay attention. And have to face the consequence of their negligence.
There are no shortcuts to success. Force it and you’ll get stuck.
It pays off to pay a visit sometimes.
When your phone’s battery swells and pushes off the screen, you know you’ll be having a hard time. But at least the screen is still working.
Always observe safe work practices at all times such as wearing a hair net to avoid this disaster.
The giant star-wand is a good touch but I think that’s a risky move. Can you see those low electric cables that might get caught with it?
This sign of peace has a hidden meaning and it’s not something flattering.
DO NOT eat these donuts.
Always pay attention to avoid making these hilarious mistakes
When you lose your focus so bad that you have no idea what you got yourself into.
Vacuum cleaners will suck everything in their way, even your most beloved earbuds.
Well, you tried to hide the truth but nice try.
Remind me, what’s the shape of a globe again?
When you leave a cute Easter bunny chocolate in the car on a hot day.
It’s nice to feel like a kid sometimes.
Everyone, I really need your sympathy right now. I’m sick and please don’t mind the earbuds.
Restrooms are supposed to be the most private of all places. But when you put mirrors in the ceiling, it’s no longer a private place to do your private business.