Due to the pandemic lockdown, classes are suspended and businesses are indefinitely put to a halt. Just like how office workers are mandated to work from home, teachers are also advised to conduct classes online. Through the use of video conferencing, teachers are able to keep in touch with their students and conduct classes over the internet. And just like working from home, doing classwork from home also comes with lots of perks. Of course, we’re talking about the luxury of having the company of our furry pets.
We’ve previously given you a glimpse of what it’s like working from home with pets trying to snatch your attention from your work. College professor Marie-Amélie George, who has been conducting online classwork since the lockdown, reveals on her Twitter page how her adorable dog tried to study with her. And she was sure that those who also own dogs, are probably having the same situation as her. So, she asked everyone to send photos of their dogs acting like a diligent study buddy.

Of course, they delivered with great pleasure. Some of them sent photos of their pets trying to help them with their class work. Not just dogs, but cats, guinea pigs and even a tiny turtle as well. George claims that these kinds of photos are generally an under-appreciated photography genre. But we certainly think otherwise. During these difficult times, cute photos of pets in quarantine surely bring a ray of sunshine into our gloomy lives. In fact, these kinds of heartwarming photos are all we need right now.

We made a list of the photos sent by George’s students showing the most adorable study buddies you could ever see.

Source: Twitter page