Unconditional love is something we can only get from our parents and our pets. Our animal companions may not be able to say how much they love us but they try to convey it through facial expressions. Just like humans, animals also express their emotions on their faces. They smile when they are happy and they frown when they are sad. And when they try to tell you how much they love you, they usually give you a loving stare. It’s as if they want to make you feel that you are sincerely loved.
So, dogs in particular are very expressive and they are also much attuned to our expressions too. They can sense their human’s current emotional state and adapt to it. This explains why they excitedly jump around you when you’re happy and try to console you with sympathetic eyes when you’re feeling sad. Therefore, their keen sense of human emotion makes them the most ideal therapy for people with depression or mood disorders. But dogs aren’t the only animals that can communicate with us though body language. Although originally aloof and independent, domestication has also changed some innate behaviors in cats.
Pets Lovingly Gazing At Their Owners

Just like dogs, cats are also extremely adaptable to all kinds of different environments and lifestyles. Domesticated cats, opposite to their wild counterparts, are solely dependent on their humans. And their dependence on humans allows them to form a bond with them, just like a child to his parents. Since felines are known to be extremely territorial creatures, cats can sometimes become possessive of their owners. They tend to get jealous when they see their humans cuddling other pets. And they would do just anything to get their owner’s attention.
This Man And His Cat Staring At Each Other

“My Husband Couldn’t Have Pets Growing Up. When We Bought Our First House I Got Him A Little Surprise”

“We Brought Charlie Home A Month Ago Now And I Can’t Get Over That Look Of Pure Love In His Eyes”

But then again, this is not about cat-and-dog rivalry and which of them could give more love to their owners. Both of these animal companions love their humans in their own ways and neither give any less. The bottom line is that their love is special, regardless of the species. And it’s just heartwarming to see how they convey their body language of love through their eyes. Here are some photos of animals lovingly staring at their humans and these will surely melt your hearts.
“My Sister And Brother-In-Law Just Rescued A Kitten. Look At How Happy He Is! Enough Love To Make A Kitten Smile”

“My Brother Took Our Cat To Prom”

“The Face She Makes When My Husband Holds Her”

“Just Adopted This Dude. His Name Is Tucker And He Is Good Boye”

“Sometimes I Catch Her Just Staring And Smiling At Me. She’s My Precious Love”

“She Wanted Me To Stop Working”

“An Old Lady And Her Cat. Just Can’t Stop Looking At The Cat’s Expression”

“Woke Up Today To Her Just Staring Me Down Purring”

“The Way My Dog Looks At My Dad”

“He Was Purring The Entire Ride Home”

“Just Rescued My Baby Girl From Being Put Down A Month Ago. Most Loving Dog I’ve Ever Known”

“Me And My New Baby Tarzan”

“My Cat Never Leaves My Side. Someone Gave Me A Hoodie With A ‘Cat Pouch’ As A Gag Gift. She Rides Around In It Staring At My Face”

“My Dad And My Kitty Honey Adoring Each Other”

Pets Admiring Their Humans

“We Just Adopted Bella And She Really Likes My Fiancé”

“Our wedding was cancelled, we are worried about our family members health. But atleast we have our first family member.”

“Zoey Doesn’t Understand Social Distancing”

“I Tried To Take A Funny Picture Of Her Chicken Wing Loaf But She Looked At Me And I Got The Sweetest Photo”

“I Had A Fairly Rough Day At Work Today. When I Finished, This Sweet Girl Wouldn’t Leave My Side. As Soon As I Laid Down, She Jumped Up And Hugged Me”

“The Ride Home”

“My Best Bud, Indy”

“I’m Just Third Wheeling My Boyfriend And Darlene As Usual”

“Someone’s Happy I’m Home Every Day”

“Cleocatra mirin her papa”

“The Way My Girl Looks At Me”

“Mitus Loving Grandma. He Is So Gentle With Her But Crazy Hyper With Anyone Else”

“Sadie Baby. Our First Foster Puppy. Look At Those Puppy Eyes”

“Get You A Man Who Looks At You The Way This Chonker Looks At My Dad”

“Meet Harper. She Likes To Lay On My Chest And Just Stare At Me Like This”

“A Man And His Kittens”

“Get Yourself Someone That Looks At You The Way My Cat Looks At My Husband”

“Woke Up And This Was The View Two Inches From My Face”

“The Way She Looks At Me”

“Maybe I’m Being Paranoid But I Think She’s Flirting With My Boyfriend”

“Simon, My Very Best Boy”