It's amazing how well a complex image or idea can be represented in a minimalist way. The art of Raj Khatri is an excellent example of this. Khatri is an illustrator and art director from Mumbai, India, and one of his recent projects is an abstract and minimalist take on famous movie posters. Basically, the concept is that he takes a movie poster and then tries to recreate it using just a few bold brush strokes. Of course, Khatri isn't aiming for a literal recreation of the original, but more like a new minimalist version which captures the essence of the poster but in an abstract way. He actually succeeds at this remarkably well, and often you can even tell what movie poster Khatri is recreating before you read the film title. Simply hearing about the project doesn't do it justice, so let's have a look!
Website: Raj Khatri on Behance

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