Elegant handbags are pretty and all but they just don’t give that much of a punch, right? If you’re looking for a purse that’ll make you steal the show on every occasion then you need to get this ramen noodle handbag. You could probably remember the ridiculous life hack where people started using instant ramen noodles to fix everything. From broken sinks and bowls to defective iPhones and car dents, we’ve seen how instant noodles could magically fix everything. However, this silly hack is only meant for comical purposes and shouldn’t be taken seriously. Although many people actually bought the idea and even tried it for themselves, much to their disappointment.
But the hilarious ‘noodle hack’ didn’t all go for naught. The trending noodle hack inspired some people to create artistic and functional things with the use of instant noodles. For one, there’s the ramen electric guitar that is made from actual noodles. And now, the noodle handbag that looks exactly like the real thing. This whimsical purse features an exciting (and appetizing) design that comes in the form of an instant noodle block. So, if you want to make a statement, nothing says it better than sporting a purse that looks like your favorite food.
Ramen Noodle Handbag
Take note that there’s no ramen noodles used in the making of this purse. This noodle handbag is designed to look extremely realistic. But it is actually made out of hard foam and is 100% handmade. This unique purse has a golden chain attached that serves as an elegant strap. Additionally, it has a silicone brand logo keychain attached to the purse.
The front side features a full noodle style that will surely make everyone do a double take. On the other side is a zippered closure where you can stuff your essentials inside the bag. The noodle handbag measures 8.2 inches long, 6.7 inches tall and 2 inches deep. It has an interior space to hold your smartphone, cards, money, some make-up and other stuff. Its fun design makes this functional purse double as a fantastic piece of art.
Get yours on Etsy.
Source: Etsy