We wouldn't think any less of you if you believed these images to be photos on first glance. However, if you look closely you can see that they're actually drawn with pencils. These hyper-realistic drawings were created by Argentinean artist Nestor Canavarro. He pays particular attention to the details of the skin, which is a big part of what makes these drawings look so much like photographs. Depending on the size and detail of the image, it takes Canavarro between 25 and 40 hours to complete each drawing.
Website: Nestor Canavarro on Facebook
This drawing of Brian Cranston as Walter White is insane.

Robert De Niro Looks just as intimidating on paper.

This drawing of Lemmy from Motorhead is scarily realistic.

Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones.

An amazing drawing of Hugh Laurie as House MD.

How this isn't a photo of Evangeline Lilly is more confusing than Lost.

Check out Al Pacino!

And the master of science himself, Albert Einstein.

These drawings are stunning. We can't even fathom how anyone could draw a person in such a realistic manner. Incredible!
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