If you love crafts and like to reuse or recycle old items, then this might be the project for you! This cool craft idea comes from Enid at “A Charming Project”. It shows you how to take an old, unused coffee pot and turn it into an awesome terrarium for succulents. More experienced or adventurous gardeners could try this with other plants, but succulents are extremely hardy plants that don’t need too much care or attention, so they thrive in this kind of environment.
Making the terrarium is actually extremely simple. All you need is some sand, river or aquarium rocks, moss, small succulents, any decorations of your choice, and an old coffee pot, of course! Let’s see how it’s done.
You start by putting an inch or so of sand at the bottom of the coffee pot. The sand is what the succulents will take root into.

Then place the succulents where you want them in the pot, and scatter around some rocks and other decorations to make it look pretty. You can choose whatever decorations you want, if any, gem stones and shells are both great choices. You can lay some moss over the top of the stones, as well.

You’ll see here the plants are placed close to the edge of the pot. This is so they get enough light

And, that’s it! It’s so simple a kid could do it. Now you just have to place your terrarium somewhere it will get some natural light and give those succulents a little water every day.

Looks great! As soon as we can find an old coffee pot, we’re giving this a go!
Source: A Charming Project