George Breeze creates the most beautiful jewelry out of scrap metal. His daughter Carolina encouraged him in his pursuit after he showed her a piece he had made and she saw that he had an incredible talent. What's even more amazing about this is that George has only been crafting jewelry for about a year. Looking at how intricate and accomplished these pieces are, you'd think it had been a lifelong career or hobby. However, George has always been creative and can draw beautifully, carve wooden sculptures and was even a tattoo artist for some time. Carolina now helps him with some of the designs, which are inspired by mythology and ancient cultures, but George still crafts the jewelry himself. His pieces are available to buy on Etsy, so if you like them, check out the link below!
Website: Calisto Jewelry on Etsy

Although some items, such as the stones and silver wire, come from a craft shop, these items of jewelry are mostly made up of found scrap metals, such as copper wire from radios. This is such a great example of turning unwanted trash into something beautiful.
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