You can never be too young to fish! That surely must be the motto of the Bajau tribe of Borneo. This remote tribe rely totally on the water to live. Traditionally they used to reside on small boats, traveling night and day entirely dependent on their fish-catching skills for survival. This is how they became known as the 'Sea Gypsies'. Today, the Bajau live either in floating villages built over coral reefs or on tiny islands, where they sell their fish on a small scale. Rehahn is a French photographer who spent several days with the Bajau of Borneo. Check out his amazing photographs below!
Website: rehahnphotographer
The Bajau people have no knowledge of reading or writing. Their existence is built solely around fishing.

No one is too young to fish!

The Bajau are neither recognized nor accepted by neighboring countries.

The Bajau do not know their ages. They live for the present moment.

Women give birth in their huts.

Younger children are always out on the boats, learning how to swim and dive, whilst all children would be busy hunting by the age of 8.

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