Welcome to part 2 of our series on shocking and honest confessions from young moms. We hope that by this point some of your negative preconceptions may have been altered. Of course, as with any category of people, there are some young mothers that give the rest a bad name. But, this means that many of the good ones tend to get mistreated and misjudged. There’s also a lot of pressure on young moms to pretend their lives are perfect because if they speak of any hardships there’s plenty of people that will say “I told you so”. If you’re a young mother reading this, know that you are not alone and there is support out there. Take a look below for more interesting confessions!
Website: Whisper
Loneliness can eat you up.

More people need to acknowledge this!

Putting the child’s needs first makes a good mother.

This mom can rest assured she is setting a great example for her son.

We all feel like this sometimes.

People often make the most assumptions about things they do not understand.

This is sweet!


Why do people automatically assume young mothers have terrible lives?

It’s amazing how much your children can inspire you.

People will always have high and low points.

Wow! How cute is this?

It’s okay to admit you’re struggling. We hope this person got some support and found happiness!
