
Animal Print Sandals

Original price was: £2.00.Current price is: £1.00.

Animal footprint sandals make a great gift for kids. Made from pine tree and rubber (strap), they come in 5 different colours.

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  1. Princess and the Rock

    How adorable are these? 🙂

  2. Alan LaMore

    I want these.

  3. Jenny Taylor

    way cool

  4. Anne Dial

    Love these..LOL

  5. Anne Dial

    Love these..LOL

  6. Amy Maureen Sakowski

    Kimberley May Galbraith this is mad for childcare 🙂

  7. JoAnn Ebenstein

    these are so neat and creative! I wonder if these are the only two they make?

  8. Laura Anne Robinson

    I want a pair of these!

    • Laura Anne Robinson

      I want these!!!!!!!

  9. Lori Jenkins Mange

    Dawn and Tammy I think we need a pair of these for the Beach

    • Joann Mange Jennings

      These look fun!

    • Michelle Mange Englehart

      Sorry I'm not going with you guys 🙁

  10. Sarah Elizabeth Gruger


  11. Coco Carter

    Are they for grown ups too?

  12. Carmen Kaw

    Kristal Charen Sidamon, OMG, nice! Wear to the beach!

  13. Nykkarra Francis

    Dawn Hubberstey can u get this for me

  14. Trina Walker

    I want some of these.

  15. Chastity Marie Embick

    Kids get all the good stuff. -.- Why can't I have good stuff?

  16. Farrah Lo Priore

    They have these at JoAnn's Fabrics for 5.00 each.

  17. Deni Ivanova

    why isn't there such for adults! it's not fair only kids to get good stuff made for them…

  18. Olubusayo Ladelokun

    Trick these scientist

  19. Gilberto Salomao

    I dont like a lot

  20. Carla L’Huillier

    these I really need.

  21. Cassia Botelho Itajubá

    Paula Ribeiro, vamos fazer para os nossos pequenos sobrinhos? o que acha?

  22. Olivia Jane


  23. Anna Thomas

    To confuse the police

  24. Willy Verrett

    im gonna take a shit in my neighbors yard while wearing these and see what he thinks

  25. Zahra CookieMonstaa Imtiaz


  26. Zahra CookieMonstaa Imtiaz


  27. Yer Yang

    So cute!

  28. Panhia Yang


  29. Pritzy SG


  30. Gretchen Labutis

    your links to buy this dont work

  31. Tiramisu Lym

    Its so cute!!! Loving it!

  32. Shaikha AL-shomli

    How can I order?

  33. Martin Hovanec Ml

    everyone is saying i want these i want these wellll buy them

  34. Miguel DeLeon

    I hope they come in adult sizes too.

  35. Alice Juliet Evie

    is this on children's sizes only?

  36. Rachael Leann Vaughn

    Too cute!

  37. Rachael Leann Vaughn

    Too cute!

  38. Rachael Leann Vaughn

    Amber I thought of your lil guy when I saw these lol

  39. Rachael Leann Vaughn

    Amber I thought of your lil guy when I saw these lol

  40. Amber Cratty


  41. Amber Cratty


  42. Lori V Fisher

    These would be great to wear out geocaching. Scare the shit out of the next person looking for the cache. LOL

  43. Natalie Hani

    This could freak some people out at the beach!

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