friend bought this…buttons fall of easily and hood hangs too far forward.
Liam Kingston –
How far forward do you mean? It's supposed to hang far enough forward to make a shadow over the upper part of their face.
Harrìson Danìel DeWeese-Hikari –
Better watch out……
Harrìson Danìel DeWeese-Hikari –
Better watch out……
Caleb Meilink-Smith –
Red instead of blue anyone?
Brandon Mulkey –
I want.
Ryan Cifers –
time to go for a free run and have fun.
Dang Duy Minh Nguyen –
Chris Jessica –
A’la Hunter –
Yup…, I want one
Farhan Warsi –
must have it before u die
Katy Bryant –
That's really cool but not cool enought to be that much.
Garrett East –
if it was leather I would buy.
Pedro Ronaldo Zavala –
Just bought it
Jacob Schwartz –
Sydney Weiss –
Alex Reeser –
I know what's on my eyes are on!
Jessie Ye –
This is an original garment by Volante Design. Most if not all posts you see on Amazon or eBay are knock off. If you want to support the true genius behind this, go to Volante Design's website. If you want to save a few pretty pennies and go for something of inferior construction, go for the knock off.
Cindy Fair –
Too expensive
Nabeel Akhtar –
Ladies and gents…this is a replica of the original…the creator can be found here.
I don't care that they made a knock off of the Kenway Jacket by Volante Design. It just bugs me that they use the pictures from Volante Design. They did include their own pictures but it is obvious the difference in quality.
Nikki Bailey –
Henry Nimke Gigabé Medawis –
Can I get one in burgundy?
Wendy Mcneill –
Nicola Mcneill you likey? xx
William James-Gene Stein –
Mehleek Roberson you like this stuff right.
Briana Thompson –
Kay Mightierthanthesword Parks –
how cool is this?
Kay Mightierthanthesword Parks –
how cool is this?
Jeremy Novotny –
Looks like i know what im saving up for…..
Jeremy Novotny –
Looks like i know what im saving up for…..
RandyThe PotatoFox –
Would you really pay that much for a hoodie?
Michael Schlampp –
Fuck no.
Caleb Smith –
RandyThe PotatoFox FUCK YES !
Dustin Bullins –
Fuck maybe.
Olivia Overberg –
Oh wow hi randy i know you pfft
but yeah of course honestly
Devin Sutton –
Heck yes. Well not just any hoodie, this hoodie.
Mac Rostron –
Jorge Luna –
I know I wouldn't… unless it was official
Yousaf Hussain –
its a Rain Coat if ya'll want to know
Aziel Rivera –
people pay more for shoes any ways
Todd Sawyer –
Without a doubt!
Najib IV Idrus –
If im not mistaken if its the same guy who made the jacket, He made it all by him self by hand
thats why its kinda expensive
Stelios Sofianopoulos –
Gavin Bruce Jones –
Thats about high end of the Hoodie price for me id have one
SħǾw-Më Tħe-MëaŋiŋgǾf Ʀeał-LǾve –
Fuck Yeah
Thomas Amaranth –
I want this….
Laura ‘itoshii’ Olotu –
Marvin Oliveira Olotu u would like this I think
John-Paul Cumberlidge –
Awesome but expensive. Have seen this cheaper on eBay.
Jose Jesus Perez –
I want one in all black
Atte Suni –
it way coler with two colours
Glenn Craig –
man go here theres one in black and red
Moya O Kennedy –
Saw one in black on Amazon too
Susheel Badhan –
Yes, there is a black and red one of this.
Tamara Cartwright-Loebl –
and it's currently on sale – $90
Joe Picarelli –
i want one in BLACK and RED
Nilay Sharma –
Jessie Ye –
If you get one from Volante Design (the original maker of this jacket), you can customize to whatever colour you like.
Daniel Nguyen Osorio –
fucking awsome
Dayton C. Long –
AWESOME my friends would be pissed if I didn't by them one.
M.j. Slone –
yeah i would
Uzzy Naeem –
don't buy this crap. buy it from ebay. you can get them for half the price.
Cory Allen Knowlton –
Joshua David McKechnie –
Sweet mother of christ!
Emily Arbuckle –
George Gills –
don't think I would soot it but luv it.
Dory Fish –
Miiaahh Speers
Luis Negron –
I am SERIOUSLY considering buying this.
Shawn B. Walls –
I want this haha Jeremy Pooran.
Guillaume Mathieu –
pour les fans du jeux ^^.
Tara Lentz –
I love it
Jordyn Ewing –
Amanda Holleufer-Taylor –
Nathan Passfield, Tsuru No Oni.
Harry Ilett –
usd isn't 1 to 1 with gbp…
Harry Ilett –
usd isn't 1 to 1 with gbp…
Toruk Macto –
kei graaf ik ga die bestellen ooit.
Kortney Ratliff –
here you go sniper and Nick Turk this is about all the dressing up I could handle lol.
Donovan Walters –
Morgan Nilsson –
I want it so bad.
Natonya St.Cyr –
I would so wear this
Nerys Davies –
Oh Laurrreeeennnn!
Nerys Davies –
Lauren Clayton check this out!
Lauren Clayton –
Get me it please!
Lauren Clayton –
Get me it please!
Chaz Wallace –
the true origins of this coat, all the others are fakes.
Nemo Radkie –
I'm so getting this!!!
Lenie Joi –
I want this too
Susheel Badhan –
I really like it but if I bought this, wouldn't it look weird if I wear it in public? :/
Lisamarie Watson –
Love it
Ayyoob Rasheed –
Lynda Shilton –
I want it!!!
Ben Van Woerkom –
Max Van Woerkom Alison Heij.
Herbert Redmond –
I'll make a better one for cheaper, fuck that buck fifty bullshit.
Brandon Puckett –
We're then wit my breads
Lauren Clayton –
why does it have to cost so much? ;_______;
Lauren Clayton –
why does it have to cost so much? ;_______;
Lauren Clayton –
why does it have to cost so much? ;_______;
Giddy Harmsworth –
definitly banging hoody, and no one else would have it, next pay days only three weeks away.
Sonia Eddy –
Ebay for less than £40.
Sonia Eddy –
Ebay for less than £40.
Melody Scowen –
It's shit. Badly made. Cheap material. Really disappointed.
Jane Crollie –
Tho it was advertised as cosplay costume, not actual clothing!
Melody Scowen –
It's shit. Badly made. Cheap material. Really disappointed.
Iron Wolf –
Gotta have this in black and grey
Beno Beno –
What price is AUD ?
Brandon Ybarra –
friend bought this…buttons fall of easily and hood hangs too far forward.
Liam Kingston –
How far forward do you mean? It's supposed to hang far enough forward to make a shadow over the upper part of their face.
Harrìson Danìel DeWeese-Hikari –
Better watch out……
Harrìson Danìel DeWeese-Hikari –
Better watch out……
Caleb Meilink-Smith –
Red instead of blue anyone?
Brandon Mulkey –
I want.
Ryan Cifers –
time to go for a free run and have fun.
Dang Duy Minh Nguyen –
Chris Jessica –
A’la Hunter –
Yup…, I want one
Farhan Warsi –
must have it before u die
Katy Bryant –
That's really cool but not cool enought to be that much.
Garrett East –
if it was leather I would buy.
Pedro Ronaldo Zavala –
Just bought it
Jacob Schwartz –
Sydney Weiss –
Alex Reeser –
I know what's on my eyes are on!
Jessie Ye –
This is an original garment by Volante Design. Most if not all posts you see on Amazon or eBay are knock off. If you want to support the true genius behind this, go to Volante Design's website. If you want to save a few pretty pennies and go for something of inferior construction, go for the knock off.
Cindy Fair –
Too expensive
Nabeel Akhtar –
Ladies and gents…this is a replica of the original…the creator can be found here.
Michelle Evil-McCreedy Adams –
So. Much. Needs!
Michael Barry –
Very cool
Leslie Whipkey-Lewis –
Chuck lewis
Robbin Kay Charnock –
Defo getting this omg love it
Whitney Prillaman-lynch –
Really want this for Tommys birthday.. :/
Melissa Dengah –
This is awesome! :O
Simon Astill –
Would this look good on stage?
Alina Butt –
awesome hoddie, want ^.^.
Steven Edge –
£55 isn't much for a hoodie…
Steven Edge –
£55 isn't much for a hoodie…
Angie Cochrane –
Kitty Alexandra Edwards-Goudie –
I don't care that they made a knock off of the Kenway Jacket by Volante Design. It just bugs me that they use the pictures from Volante Design. They did include their own pictures but it is obvious the difference in quality.
Alli Jane Arrowsmith –
Want one x
Sammy Tee –
It's not a hoody. It's a leather jacket.
Benjamin –
What a great product