
Black Water

Original price was: £2.00.Current price is: £1.00.

Why drink normal water when you can drink Black Water! No sugar. No caffeine. No calories. No carbs. Fulvic Acids low molecular weight allows for the fast absorption of one of natures most powerful organic electrolytes, antioxidants, and free radical scavengers

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  1. Carlos Veliz

    Want this just cuz.

  2. Tomas Cauchi

    I want it just because it looks cool 😀

  3. Charles Meissner

    I heard it tastes like metal.

    • James LaPierre

      it tastes almost like nasty river water to me.

    • Gzim Tahiraj

      It does taste kinda like metal, and it stains the shit out of your teeth.

    • Mikayla Lipsett

      it tastes exactly the same as regular water. had it yesterday

  4. Emmett Myers

    why the fuck would you want to drink it? I would just be like hey sup, I got black water, in a bottle.

    • Benjamin Lloyd

      It's better for you.

    • Emmett Myers

      so is normal water. i just eat healthy anyways? and dont be a fucking lazy prick and exercise

    • Alexandra Caroline Sylvesta Kelly

      Someone's panties are in a wad. Edit: Oh, a drop out. Okay. Just pretend I never wasted time on you.

    • Cory O’Brien

      Alexandra Caroline Sylvesta Kelly Made my day.

  5. Indy Wroe

    Made by the sons of a real housewife of New Jersey. Absolute joke!

  6. Robbin Melton

    I sooooooooo want to try this!

  7. Wayne Pommnitz

    Tastes like metal? More like Makes you METAL!

    • Aaron Hibbs


  8. Paulette Kramer

    My grocery store has it for $1.99 a bottle!

  9. Manu Shelton

    not I

  10. Frank Nethercutt

    More like turd water. (New york accent) Hey Pauly, look what I found at 4454 street, heehh..there were just letting it sit here in a big bowl, weird heh heh.

  11. Kayla Izquierdo

    oh I can make my own black water with food coloring "oh what a surprise now we don't have to pay $16.37 for Blk Water that might even taste like Metal" :l.

  12. Terri Denise Gardier

    They sell it at Whole Foods Market for 2bucks

  13. Krysta Le Somerfield

    Did you know that black water is another term for poo water? Because toilet water/poo water is filtered…. and yeah…. it's drinkable because it's filtered and stuff but they call it black water… loool why would you even pay for this..

  14. Krysta Le Somerfield

    Did you know that black water is another term for poo water? Because toilet water/poo water is filtered…. and yeah…. it's drinkable because it's filtered and stuff but they call it black water… loool why would you even pay for this..

    • Matthew Dallison

      your nasty

  15. Christy Anselmo

    it's all a waste of money… real regular water is good for you, has no calories, sugar, caffeine, etc…. what's the point?

    • Aaron Hibbs

      Clear water isnt fashionable and its boring!

  16. Daniel Shard

    Also available in see-though colour – £free.

    • Raj Mourya Reddy

      ur damn true why wasting money for what we are getting regularly for free ?

  17. Aaron Hibbs

    I would use the black water to make coffee, then id e set.

    • Grim Kolibaba

      You know fulvic acid is dirt, right?
      That's purified dirt water. Have fun drinking that shit.

    • Grim Kolibaba

      You know fulvic acid is dirt, right?
      That's purified dirt water. Have fun drinking that shit.

    • Grim Kolibaba

      You know fulvic acid is dirt, right?
      That's purified dirt water. Have fun drinking that shit.

  18. Claire Boshier

    Ewwww why???? It's not like "normal" water is fattening or bad for you

  19. Claire Boshier

    Ewwww why???? It's not like "normal" water is fattening or bad for you

  20. Claire Boshier

    Ewwww why???? It's not like "normal" water is fattening or bad for you

  21. Linda Preston-Scott

    Yummm, In the world of RV's and Boating where I come from, grey water is the soapy water in your holding tank and black water is the SHIT water my friend!

  22. Ellen Anderson

    This has to be the stupidest invention ever.

  23. Harriet Smith

    just add paint to water and your done.

  24. Kat Elan

    See Juliet.

  25. Kaylee A. Krohn

    Hoestly the most stupid thing I have ever seen..

  26. Katty M Rivinius

    Why….why would someone pay for black water when it tastes exactaly the same….

  27. Jesse-Breighann Van Baale

    Water isn't free

  28. Brandy Leigh

    its free for most people…

  29. Lola Katharina Jahn

    Brandy Leigh Uhm, no, you pay for it 🙂

  30. Neil Reddy

    FIJI waters gonna be pissed about this lol

  31. Ashleigh Skelly

    Brandy Leigh It's called water bills, but I guess it's free for those who don't have to pay those bills.

  32. Katie Runion

    Fulvic acid is not added to "regular" water, so it is not the "same" thing. Still, I agree, ur paying for a fad here.

  33. Jason Lee Rogers

    fulvic acid, one of two classes of natural acidic organic polymer that can be extracted from humus found in soil, sediment, or aquatic environments. -Enclyclopedia Britannica

  34. Jason Lee Rogers

    aka, your drinking dirt

  35. Isabella Meylin Kvilhaug Martinez Stangeland

    in norway the water is free ! :_

  36. Jaimie Clement

    You could just save yourself the $6.99 and add black food colouring to the free water you already get from your tap

  37. Georgia Cheyenne Whitehead

    no its not water bill

  38. Mel Del Signore

    actually we r taxed on water so no its not free!!!

  39. Gary Darer

    I'm so metal even my water is black.

  40. Lindsey Hoskins-Goff

    What a freaking weirdo

  41. Edwin Engram

    Not the super scary government program nah this is the drink.

  42. Liki Love

    he beat….he invented the dumbest invention of all time…pls get it off the market accept your failure and invent something else pls…… before whatever Theresa husband name is bust u down…

  43. Liki Love

    he beat….he invented the dumbest invention of all time…pls get it off the market accept your failure and invent something else pls…… before whatever Theresa husband name is bust u down…

  44. Ellie Short

    1L bottle of water (£0.75) + Black food colouring (£1.00) = £1.75.

  45. Leanne Smith

    Steps to black water:
    Take Glass Of Water.
    Add Black Colouring.
    Stir In
    No Need To Pay $6.99.

  46. Hansa Hussain

    Just add black food colouring to normal water

  47. David Jorden Gosnell

    Brandy Leigh not really.. you know that thing everyone gets.. its called a water bill and if you dont pay it they shut off the water

  48. Jared Welch

    It has no taste what so ever. Even stated on bottle. People are so stupid.

  49. Leland TheTrain Sofiak

    Brandy Leigh Water is free for NO people and if you say "it's free from my tap" then you are a complete moron, all water costs money and a lot of times is more expensive than gas 🙂

  50. Leland TheTrain Sofiak

    Jason Lee Rogers But Delicious dirt 😉

  51. Kayleigh Wilcher

    Jason Lee Rogers technically, humus is worm poo. So nope, not dirt. what dirt turns into once something digests it 😛

  52. Kayla Snow

    Probably water with black food coloring in it.

  53. Taylor Luving Cassidy

    no its not??? some people work for what they have

  54. Ryan Jeffrey Emanuel

    My parents have a well, so no, they don't have to pay for water..

  55. Kerry Wright

    you can find this in Harris Teeter Stores for only $ .. don't be ripped off here

  56. Gerald Illa-noise Bennett


  57. Katherine Smith

    just have to pay for the well to be put in 😀

  58. Daniel Shard

    I think you'll find water is free. It falls from the sky every single day. What isn't free is disposing of your effluent and cleaning the water that arrives at your tap

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