Ephraim Kelemu.. so many things on the internet we need!
Matthew Silas –
This is a must. Keep shoulders dry!
IG: matthewsilas
Tina Marie Smith –
Jovanna Ledesma –
Jamie Wade Beardsley –
I really need this in my lifeee… Chloe Sismey
Chris Glynn –
AKA the Dumbrella.
Sharon Briggs –
Need one for Glastonbury, for mself and Maria, just incase we have a little shower lol.
Samuel Nicholson –
Robert Bailey Mmc –
Emma Louise Bailey <3
Harry Loserpants –
for the perfect partners.
OneofakindMomma SweetestYankee –
Lycan Ink –
Wouldn't work for me, I'm 5"ft 5 and my boyfriend is 6"ft 7 lol.
Karren Robbins –
let him hold the umbrella and you walk beside him?
Felicia Smith –
Great invention
Carmen Kaw –
Mike Lee, Kristal Charen Sidamon, like it much?
Jules Brown –
Great idea
Susan MacDonald –
Ruth Noble and Sean Davies! xx
Michel Bourget –
Très bonne invention !
Kelly Rowlands –
I want 1
Brenton Crook –
This is a great idea for those of us in wheelchairs that want to get in and out of our cars when its raining.
Quandatosoft D Oglesby –
That is how umbrellas should be made.
Douglas D. Miranda –
Where you can these be purchased. I've clicked on the "more info" button and it takes me to a web page "Hammacher Schlemmer" and the Double Umbrella is not listed on the site. Any info would be greatly appreciated!
Roger Ruth Ingmire –
They havr
Roger Ruth Ingmire –
Sorry they have them listed on Amazon.
Tina Thomas Huggins –
I think this would be kewl for a parent and child. It would make it so much easier to stay dry especially when they want to hold it and don't worry about you only themselves lol.
Olubusayo Ladelokun –
Eman Gamal –
let's stick together like REALLY stick together -_-
Charlton Muggeridge –
I want one
Chris Liley –
Great idea
SherryandRodney Simmons –
Y has it taken so long to come up with this one
Olivia Lee –
first of all, i have to get myself a boyfriend…………..
Melissa Jeffries –
wouldn't work in Alaska because of the high winds
Trevor EmoCasper Austin –
Make a TrippleBella and MAYBE i'll buy it, one in the back.
Trina Marie Slippery –
i walk with my blind brother and this would be perfect when it rains….he will put his hand on my shoulder…
Trina Marie Slippery –
i walk with my blind brother and this would be perfect when it rains….he will put his hand on my shoulder…
Allie Sebree –
Ephraim Kelemu.. so many things on the internet we need!
Matthew Silas –
This is a must. Keep shoulders dry!
IG: matthewsilas
Tina Marie Smith –
Jovanna Ledesma –
Jamie Wade Beardsley –
I really need this in my lifeee… Chloe Sismey
Chris Glynn –
AKA the Dumbrella.
Sharon Briggs –
Need one for Glastonbury, for mself and Maria, just incase we have a little shower lol.
Samuel Nicholson –
Robert Bailey Mmc –
Emma Louise Bailey <3
Harry Loserpants –
for the perfect partners.
OneofakindMomma SweetestYankee –
Lycan Ink –
Wouldn't work for me, I'm 5"ft 5 and my boyfriend is 6"ft 7 lol.
Karren Robbins –
let him hold the umbrella and you walk beside him?
Felicia Smith –
Great invention
Carmen Kaw –
Mike Lee, Kristal Charen Sidamon, like it much?
Jules Brown –
Great idea
Susan MacDonald –
Ruth Noble and Sean Davies! xx
Michel Bourget –
Très bonne invention !
Kelly Rowlands –
I want 1
Brenton Crook –
This is a great idea for those of us in wheelchairs that want to get in and out of our cars when its raining.
Quandatosoft D Oglesby –
That is how umbrellas should be made.
Douglas D. Miranda –
Where you can these be purchased. I've clicked on the "more info" button and it takes me to a web page "Hammacher Schlemmer" and the Double Umbrella is not listed on the site. Any info would be greatly appreciated!
Roger Ruth Ingmire –
They havr
Roger Ruth Ingmire –
Sorry they have them listed on Amazon.
Tina Thomas Huggins –
I think this would be kewl for a parent and child. It would make it so much easier to stay dry especially when they want to hold it and don't worry about you only themselves lol.
Olubusayo Ladelokun –
Eman Gamal –
let's stick together like REALLY stick together -_-
Charlton Muggeridge –
I want one
Chris Liley –
Great idea
SherryandRodney Simmons –
Y has it taken so long to come up with this one
Olivia Lee –
first of all, i have to get myself a boyfriend…………..
Melissa Jeffries –
wouldn't work in Alaska because of the high winds
Trevor EmoCasper Austin –
Make a TrippleBella and MAYBE i'll buy it, one in the back.
Trina Marie Slippery –
i walk with my blind brother and this would be perfect when it rains….he will put his hand on my shoulder…
Trina Marie Slippery –
i walk with my blind brother and this would be perfect when it rains….he will put his hand on my shoulder…