
Giant Jenga Blocks

Original price was: £2.00.Current price is: £1.00.

Play a giant game of Jenga where you’ll feel the crushing impact of a falling tower after every loss. With the ability to create a tower over 4ft tall, these giant wooden tower building blocks are great for the outdoors, and come with a handy travel bag.

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  1. Adam Aaronson

    Akira Barnes…. Dread…….

    • Serah Cooperider

      Akira Barnes

    • Akira Barnes


  2. Adam Aaronson

    Akira Barnes…. Dread…….

  3. Shyam Bajaria

    Chris, I told you 2×4 Jenga was an awesome idea!

  4. Kevin Anthoney Michael Taylor

    OMG Alexanderia Taylor!

  5. Tumbling Towers

    Check out their sets are 4+ft and have customization options. Free shipping on all sets.

  6. Austin Ryan Richey

    whoa! Look that huge, Christie Boomhower-Foster! lol!

  7. Jonathan Barboza Prado

    Ohh man I want this

  8. Vincent Fleming

    I would just make your own. is easy instructions.

  9. Leah Mcmurtrie Looker

    Wow robert crone this is for you

  10. Amy Loughary Land

    Omg!! This would be awesome!

    • Amy Loughary Land

      Genea Nickum!!!!

  11. Lena Brat Bailey

    I so want these…

  12. Amy Bennett

    Check out they have the sweetest ones I've seen AND fully customizable!

  13. Tumbling Towers

    This is a fake price tag? and much smaller than the sets available on for $86 with free shipping… one can decorate them with markers and friends or get it any color.. much better 🙂

  14. Josh Cloutier

    My birthday is in a few months.. Thanks

  15. EmJae Murphy


  16. Krista VanBarriger

    Jonathan Siedlecky

  17. Savannah Terry

    Adonia Allen-Versosa Shoshonie Ivy Emrald Green.

  18. Misty Higgins Newton

    Soooo Ashley and Shannon gift!!!

  19. Misty Higgins Newton

    Ashley Shaw Newton and Shannon O'Neill… Lets have for the wedding!!

  20. Shannon O’Neill

    We saw this and thought about having something similar at our wedding as well! So cool and creative!

  21. Dionne Facepainter

    i used to work in a hotel where they had the giant connect four…they are fab!!!

  22. Brandie King

    I want these so badly!

  23. Brian Stacy

    We actually make these at The trick is to sand, sand, and sand. Start with 60 grit, then 80, and finish with 120. Also take the time to pick good 2×4 at the store. Sometimes we will spend 30 minutes looking for good wood.

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