
Jesus Toaster

Original price was: £2.00.Current price is: £1.00.

Make yourself the holiest of breakfasts in the morning with this Jesus toaster! Place bread into the toaster and wait for it to finish making its masterpiece!

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  1. Hayden Taylor

    It's definatly wonder bread. 🙂

  2. Kristy Lopez

    I can make a grilled Chesus! Yay!

  3. Dan Carranza

    Now we can actually eat Jebus' body!

  4. Daren Wheeler

    If you can find me a better use of $34.95 I'll be surprised.

  5. Daren Wheeler

    If you can find me a better use of $34.95 I'll be surprised.

  6. Ally Sabyan

    Brittany Doucette we can always have a grilled cheesus now.

    • Ally Sabyan

      Brittany Doucette

  7. Quandatosoft D Oglesby

    Now whoever came up with this is very creative love it.

  8. Quandatosoft D Oglesby

    Now whoever came up with this is very creative love it.

  9. Melissa Dengah

    AWESOME! But… Don't u think we're eating Jesus like tht? O.o

    • Melissa Dengah

      Toby Isaac Lucas Isaac Cassandra Nicole Alexander Joseph Amanda Wong Peter Wong Make yourself the holiest breakfast by eating Jesus? xD lol

    • Toby Isaac

      lol da fuck

  10. Norelle Walters

    This is awsome! I want one!!!

  11. Deborah King

    Kay King Isn't this nice?

  12. Alaina Nessy Harrison

    OMG this is amazing! X'D

  13. Alaina Nessy Harrison

    OMG this is amazing! X'D

  14. Darkflamemaster Novaran

    You can now have your daily bread xD.

  15. Trina Lai

    i love your comment T_T and your profile picture . I THOUGHT IT WAS FINN'S RETURN T_________________________________________T STILL IN DENIALLL.

  16. Tracey Batten
    Someone needs to get the lady in the video one of these toaster's

  17. Martin Ellacott

    Ah yes, something for the religious nut bars….and reasonably cheap too. Isn't Jebus great?

  18. Melissa Whitt

    Dont forget to drink the blood

  19. Jay Selavka

    I hope I don't have to wait three days for it to pop up.

  20. Matthew Bryce Deutsch

    I can sell each piece of toast on eBay for 10 grand.

  21. Bea Anceno


  22. Susan Clark

    Thanks Linda for leading towards this awesome website. I can't decide what to buy first – the Jesus Toaster, haircut umbrella

  23. Tania Pomroy

    Jessica Bcfc Bromage.

  24. Tania Pomroy

    Jessica Bcfc Bromage.

  25. Andy Sanderson

    Hahaha awesome

  26. Aisha Kay

    "Make yourself the holiest of breakfasts in the morning with this Jesus toaster! Place bread into the toaster and wait for it to finish making its masterpiece!"

  27. Aisha Kay

    "I can sell each piece of toast on eBay for 10 grand." Lol!

  28. Aisha Kay

    "I can sell each piece of toast on eBay for 10 grand." Lol!

  29. Fernando Lopez

    This will go great with my Virgin Mary latte

  30. Khalil Ajram

    Lisa Lee

  31. Louise Avril

    Now this is truly getting your daily bread lol

  32. Steve Tramountanas

    What a nice idea.

  33. Charles A. Otero Vazquez

    Guiero saver el precio de la fuente de elefante?

  34. Erica Rangel

    The father, the son and the Holy Toast.

  35. Erica Rangel

    I want one. Everyday should start with Jesus.

  36. Erica Rangel

    Leesa Schlarb you should get one of these.

  37. Leesa Schlarb

    Get one for beau

  38. Carlos Hugo Fochs

    Esto es lo mejor para limpiar tu pecados de por la noche

  39. Carlos Hugo Fochs

    Esto es lo mejor para limpiar tu pecados de por la noche

  40. India Anderson

    wonder if it really tastes like jesus…

  41. Izza Castronuevo RiegodeDios

    I'm sorry, but who would want to eat a bread with Jesus' face on it? See? It even feels weird saying it..

  42. Patricia Reirdon Daruka

    The father,son and holy toast

  43. Gus Riker

    I see jesus

  44. Jenna Brown

    just what I need, toasted on the outside, under toasted in the middle, and burnt on the inside

  45. Jenna Brown

    Just sell the toast pieces on EBay

  46. Gino Reed

    Grilled Cheesus

  47. Cian J Galgey


  48. Cian J Galgey


  49. Sharon Thornton

    Its a miracle

  50. Timothy Lavalle

    its daily and you eat it that is amazing

  51. Paige Edwards

    The father, the son and the holy toast
    This is indeed awesome!

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