Only 13.50! II'm going to have to get them in every color lol!
Marsha Wesolowski –
Jaime I want a pair please!
Marsha Wesolowski –
Jaime I want a pair please!
Jessica Fay Smith –
Want one so bad x
Nooran Khaled Eldaly –
I need one.
Leah Mcmurtrie Looker –
Omg who wants to get me a pair
Sharma Akshay –
Marchell Den-Bakker –
Oh wow! Want a pair- I work night duty!!
Thea Czarina B. Razonable –
I super want this!!! So i wont get lost
Sheila Owens –
Too cute
Mika Morris –
With my luck, one or both of them would short out, blowing my eardrums. lol no thanks.
Debbie Oliver Artist –
These are very cool Poppy Oliver.
Merna Magdy –
pretty cool Mai Alaa :P.
Jes Woodman –
Melissa Dengah –
Awesome! I love anything tht can glow Or have lights
Lance Baker –
Getting some for the girls
Vickie Robertson –
I think I NEED these!
Paula Gray –
You would want this Ms Bling Bling!!
Wendy Nelson –
Paula Gray I dont know how Ms Bling Bling is… I am guessing Vickie…but I had to laugh…at your comment… My ex husband used to say I was like a pet crow… I was attracted to everything shinny…lol… Seems Vickie is too… lol
Dre DJicyhot Jones –
My company sells these for $10 a pair.
Wendy K Froggatte –
Luke Truehart –
pretty cool
Heather Weston –
Terri Mabrey Butler love these tooo.
Lisa Dayberry –
ABC Distributing has them for $5.95… and that's for TWO PAIRS! People kill me these days with the profits they try and make reselling stuff.
Yes I was I abuse as a child and took all my life to get this men put away and now he is in prison s ten years and he s not going to be s ten years as jusice is all wrong the laws my case so complex he was s police office and at time report it no one would belive me and year s late I had my own family and through what this men did I lost ever think and now taken legal act against the police and cleveland socail service as place me back in my mother and father care and he abuse me and till stood up to him time after time it sad when there is real case of child abuse and not been belive I am going through up evil rear live my child hood sexaul abuse and its tebbile
Tina Petal –
Well done for get through ever think it s very hard as a surrivor but strong surrivor to get what were have to well done Tina petal x
Tina Petal –
Yes I speak out but sad think my sister shade away and left me fright alone as abuse me and my sister as a child and so on and kept report and report d years and till my sister break down and by time was to late I lost ever think and taken legal act against the police and socail service s and deal with my case now and have to real live child hood sexaul abuse live nightmare hell and break s my heart to see real surrivor be rape as was not belive for d years and till sister came after years took her to say ever think sister report was the true but took d years to do this now 45 year s old taken legal act against the aunthortys
Sera Blankenship –
Lisa is right! Same thing, but u get 2 pairs for $5.95! ABC Distributing!
Bhavya Tekwani –
Aayushi Meghna they are pretty.. ^_^
Timzz Kh –
Wendy Nelson means u still miss ur ex husband aww !! :p
Timzz Kh –
alrite me
Ginger Bread –
I want?!?!?! somebody send me a pair or three for Christmas
Jaime Koczan –
Only 13.50! II'm going to have to get them in every color lol!
Marsha Wesolowski –
Jaime I want a pair please!
Marsha Wesolowski –
Jaime I want a pair please!
Jessica Fay Smith –
Want one so bad x
Nooran Khaled Eldaly –
I need one.
Leah Mcmurtrie Looker –
Omg who wants to get me a pair
Sharma Akshay –
Marchell Den-Bakker –
Oh wow! Want a pair- I work night duty!!
Thea Czarina B. Razonable –
I super want this!!! So i wont get lost
Sheila Owens –
Too cute
Mika Morris –
With my luck, one or both of them would short out, blowing my eardrums. lol no thanks.
Debbie Oliver Artist –
These are very cool Poppy Oliver.
Merna Magdy –
pretty cool Mai Alaa :P.
Jes Woodman –
Melissa Dengah –
Awesome! I love anything tht can glow Or have lights
Lance Baker –
Getting some for the girls
Vickie Robertson –
I think I NEED these!
Paula Gray –
You would want this Ms Bling Bling!!
Wendy Nelson –
Paula Gray I dont know how Ms Bling Bling is… I am guessing Vickie…but I had to laugh…at your comment… My ex husband used to say I was like a pet crow… I was attracted to everything shinny…lol… Seems Vickie is too… lol
Dre DJicyhot Jones –
My company sells these for $10 a pair.
Wendy K Froggatte –
Luke Truehart –
pretty cool
Heather Weston –
Terri Mabrey Butler love these tooo.
Lisa Dayberry –
ABC Distributing has them for $5.95… and that's for TWO PAIRS! People kill me these days with the profits they try and make reselling stuff.
Kati Loux –
Gorgeous bright earrings!!!
Kati Loux –
Gorgeous bright earrings!!!
Henry Klaasse –
Those will look nice on you. xxx
Henry Klaasse –
Those will look nice on you. xxx
Kati Loux –
They are really nice and sparkly. xxx
Melissa Hooey –
I have these,i wear them to the bar
Sven Vunda –
You WANT them, BIG difference. FFS.
Daniel Nielsen –
Marilyn Craggs –
xmas must haves!!!!!
Tina Petal –
Yes I was I abuse as a child and took all my life to get this men put away and now he is in prison s ten years and he s not going to be s ten years as jusice is all wrong the laws my case so complex he was s police office and at time report it no one would belive me and year s late I had my own family and through what this men did I lost ever think and now taken legal act against the police and cleveland socail service as place me back in my mother and father care and he abuse me and till stood up to him time after time it sad when there is real case of child abuse and not been belive I am going through up evil rear live my child hood sexaul abuse and its tebbile
Tina Petal –
Well done for get through ever think it s very hard as a surrivor but strong surrivor to get what were have to well done Tina petal x
Tina Petal –
Yes I speak out but sad think my sister shade away and left me fright alone as abuse me and my sister as a child and so on and kept report and report d years and till my sister break down and by time was to late I lost ever think and taken legal act against the police and socail service s and deal with my case now and have to real live child hood sexaul abuse live nightmare hell and break s my heart to see real surrivor be rape as was not belive for d years and till sister came after years took her to say ever think sister report was the true but took d years to do this now 45 year s old taken legal act against the aunthortys
Sera Blankenship –
Lisa is right! Same thing, but u get 2 pairs for $5.95! ABC Distributing!
Bhavya Tekwani –
Aayushi Meghna
they are pretty..
Timzz Kh –
Wendy Nelson means u still miss ur ex husband aww !! :p
Timzz Kh –
alrite me
Ginger Bread –
I want?!?!?! somebody send me a pair or three for Christmas
Esra Alrawi –
Pati Rambo –
Super Fantastic !
Debra Lommerse –
I would love these!!!
Jodi Mohr –
Your kidding right?
Debra Lommerse –
No! And I bet Maddy would love them too
Maxine Colbert Hollingshed Jefferson –
Alyx Torres –
How do you change the batteries on them?
Lilly Philbrick –
Stacey Read –
Is there any other colours
Marina Fleege –
this is so cool…
Heather Fish –