
Magic Wand TV Remote

Original price was: £2.00.Current price is: £1.00.

Harry Potter fans can now control any TV with the flick of the wrist with this magic wand TV remote control! It can learn 13 different remote control commands, so impress your friends while casting a spell on the TV and watch their jaws drop in amazement! Awesome!

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  1. Cassandra Ann Wink

    This would soo bring out my harry potter nerdness!

  2. Hadi Al Tawil

    This is pretty cool , I would say a spell each time i change just to feel the awesomness 😉

  3. Sara Newman-King

    Want one!

    • Brandi Docksteader

      Your profile thumbnail is just awesome! 😀

  4. Sara Newman-King

    Want one!

  5. Kai Spell

    This is just freaking cool!

  6. Celeste McKenzie


  7. Rain White

    … birthday's coming up….

  8. Jessie Isobell Tapp

    Lynn Todd

  9. Jami Thomas


    • Jami Thomas

      I want to get you this

  10. Rachel Thompson

    Sheena no one else would be able to control your tv! 🙂

  11. Corey Hamburg

    My dog would end up using it as an adult dog pleasure toy… Not gonna buy…

  12. Lindsey BreaAnne Ward

    that's awesome

  13. Caitlyn Hyde Smith

    Omg… I need this. Aunt Cindy….. I loooove yoooooouuuuuuu

    • Cinderella Hanley Givens

      Ha, ha! You crack me up kid!

    • Caitlyn Hyde Smith

      I need it though.

  14. Jessica Anne Pearce

    Omg I want one this is just funny

  15. OneofakindMomma SweetestYankee


  16. Tabitha Zubal

    Omg Buying it

  17. Audrey Marsh

    I would totally feel like Harry Potter with this remote!

  18. Brittney Hawthorne

    As amazing as that is. Id so loose it and it would never be found again.

  19. Midhat Xehra Xaidi

    really Awesome

  20. Kalib O’Brien

    for my sister Akatsuki Assasin Kat, shes one of the biggest Harry Potter fans I know.

  21. Susan Raphael

    Cool… Incendio Tool… It really works. Looove this

  22. Melissa Dengah

    I freaking need this … :O

    • Melissa Dengah

      Anita Chance BieberDirectioner

    • Anita Chance BieberDirectioner


  23. Tabbi Cat

    OMG! the witch in me is screaming her head off. she wants this so bad.

  24. Justice Webutterthebreadwithbutter Mariah


  25. Charles Muszall

    Allison Boggess – why do you not own this?

  26. Allison Boggess

    I don't know why don't I own this!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Allison Boggess

    I don't know why don't I own this!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. Keon Lacy

    I want this soooooo bad…

  29. Shivam Patel

    Raina Pandya

  30. Raina Pandya


  31. Rachel Louise Mole

    Alex Lorraine Helly Marie Brady <3.

  32. Kristal Rodriguez Herrera

    Kayla Rose Rodriguez.

  33. Xenia Heidi Almdal

    To all HP fans included myself! 😀

  34. Samantha Bursich

    Chelsea Mulanix lol this is you

  35. Corinna Burtchell

    LOVE IT!! Ok I could kill hours on this site lol

  36. Nikita Shami

    wow cool

  37. Onaca Daniels

    My family has a tv you talk to so don't think that's cool

  38. Abu Yahya

    The inventor for this came on Dragons Den.

  39. Jon Riggs

    any reviews on this that we can read?

  40. Terrance Leaningtowardsthefuture White

    maria knight

  41. Gregory Yount

    I saw this wand remote on the big bang theory Raj was using it I also saw him use it to shut the lights off if it would really work with house lights I would buy it.I ALREADY have a remote for I of the lights in my home.

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