I had one of these when I was younger! except it was shaped like tazmanian devil!
Esteban Echeverry –
Girl, you just made me want that! where did you get it!?
Danielle Levy –
Slim Bouallegue –
Cory Allen Knowlton –
Elizabeth Hughes –
I'm getting this
Rosa Montalbano –
I want one !!!
Sherry Lee Brown –
Cool for brushing your teeth .
Sunnys Daughter –
Memento Mori –
or just make one out of an old 16oz water bottle…
Memento Mori –
or just make one out of an old 16oz water bottle…
Belinda Lind –
Yeah because you can close the opening on a bottle by squeezing it like that.
Hussain Asad ˆ-ˆ –
you very smart indeed ;P
Beky Samantha –
no but they do have a lid
Cory Hair –
this existed back in the early 90's -_- dumb retarded remakes aren't original… mine was a taz head, you closed his chin and threwup water all over the place it was great.
Alex NotsoSkinnyjeans Conti –
You sir, just made my evening. Thank you
Tsarina Setz –
how do I buy one of these tap fountains please? awesomeinventions site wont let me buy from there….actually there site wont let me buy anything from there…hmmmm… I'm in Australia! help pleaseeeeeeeeeeee?
Yadi Baquedano –
rubber gets mole after awhile.
Yadi Baquedano –
rubber gets mole after awhile.
Vicki Cave –
you are not meant to rinse your mouth out after brushing your teeth hence the SPIT DON'T RINSE saying.
Kate Scouse-Hubbert –
Kate Scouse-Hubbert –
Vicki Cave –
you are not meant to rinse your mouth out after brushing your teeth hence the SPIT DON'T RINSE saying.
Oliver Sand Hjorth Petersen –
Uhh Fjolle ønske
Kelly Frickin’ Herrewig –
I remember those! Mine was Tweety Bird. I wanted the Taz one but they didn't have any at the store when I went to get one!
Greg Carr –
I remember those! Man, haven't thought of that is years.
Gabrijela Mikulic –
Why would you waste water to drink that way? You have glasses at home. O.o
Gabrijela Mikulic –
Why would you waste water to drink that way? You have glasses at home. O.o
Lucie Beals –
Sara Balmbra –
£7.99 for a piece of rubber… Do yourselves a favour, people — fashion a cube of wood or metal into this shape and pour in some latex rubber or silicone. Sorted.
Ariel Pedraza –
thats cool.
Josh Robbins –
yeah because you can do that for $10…hahahaha The tools and raw materials needed to do that, let alone the TIME totally negates it.
Cassie Vowel –
Hadi Al Tawil –
Such simplicity , yet such creativity
Lily Mulan Yeung –
Jonathan need this!
Shakayla Rainey –
I had one of these when I was younger! except it was shaped like tazmanian devil!
Esteban Echeverry –
Girl, you just made me want that! where did you get it!?
Danielle Levy –
Slim Bouallegue –
Cory Allen Knowlton –
Elizabeth Hughes –
I'm getting this
Rosa Montalbano –
I want one !!!
Sherry Lee Brown –
Cool for brushing your teeth .
Sunnys Daughter –
Memento Mori –
or just make one out of an old 16oz water bottle…
Memento Mori –
or just make one out of an old 16oz water bottle…
Belinda Lind –
Yeah because you can close the opening on a bottle by squeezing it like that.
Hussain Asad ˆ-ˆ –
you very smart indeed ;P
Beky Samantha –
no but they do have a lid
Cory Hair –
this existed back in the early 90's -_- dumb retarded remakes aren't original… mine was a taz head, you closed his chin and threwup water all over the place it was great.
Alex NotsoSkinnyjeans Conti –
You sir, just made my evening. Thank you
Tsarina Setz –
how do I buy one of these tap fountains please? awesomeinventions site wont let me buy from there….actually there site wont let me buy anything from there…hmmmm… I'm in Australia! help pleaseeeeeeeeeeee?
Yadi Baquedano –
rubber gets mole after awhile.
Yadi Baquedano –
rubber gets mole after awhile.
Vicki Cave –
you are not meant to rinse your mouth out after brushing your teeth hence the SPIT DON'T RINSE saying.
Kate Scouse-Hubbert –
Kate Scouse-Hubbert –
Vicki Cave –
you are not meant to rinse your mouth out after brushing your teeth hence the SPIT DON'T RINSE saying.
Oliver Sand Hjorth Petersen –
Uhh Fjolle ønske
Kelly Frickin’ Herrewig –
I remember those! Mine was Tweety Bird. I wanted the Taz one but they didn't have any at the store when I went to get one!
Greg Carr –
I remember those! Man, haven't thought of that is years.
Gabrijela Mikulic –
Why would you waste water to drink that way? You have glasses at home. O.o
Gabrijela Mikulic –
Why would you waste water to drink that way? You have glasses at home. O.o
Lucie Beals –
Sara Balmbra –
£7.99 for a piece of rubber… Do yourselves a favour, people — fashion a cube of wood or metal into this shape and pour in some latex rubber or silicone. Sorted.
Ariel Pedraza –
thats cool.
Josh Robbins –
yeah because you can do that for $10…hahahaha The tools and raw materials needed to do that, let alone the TIME totally negates it.