Wow…. We Americans just keep getting lazier and lazier
Kat Ie –
This has nothing to do with being lazy.
Elijah Saddiq Muhammad –
but everything to do with being american
Erik Michael –
a sleeping bag is lazy, one you can wear and do shit in is not lazy.
Dmitry Dlee Kuzmenok –
Welcme to America!!! XD
Dele Bucknor –
They are designed by a Chilean bloke so how is it American?
Steven Berney –
They're called Musuc Suits or Selk'Bag's and they're awesome!
Jasmine Jaekel –
exactly it's just awesome warm comfortness!
Amanda Shaw –
Remember that if you ever break down in a car in the freezing cold. I bet you'd wish you'd have them then. Dumb ass.
Lisa-ann Mcmullin-george –
I'm simply a skinny, low vitamin level American who is cold allllll theee timeeeeee (sleep with blankets in August). Though I CAN be "lazy" at times… DOUBLE BONUS!
Stuart Learmonth –
I want one for the snow kit I keep in the car
Jo Andrewes –
Chilly nights in when you can't be arsed to light a fire?
Jo Andrewes –
Chilly nights in when you can't be arsed to light a fire?
Jimmy McGarry –
Or when he would… you know, use a sleeping bag?
Cheryl Fust –
I want one.
Amanda Carps –
Yes please!!
Deb Ladika Ward –
This would be great for a football game!
Debs Bennett –
Would get 2 of these for my kids for army cadets but carnt afford the price not for 2
Kaz Phillips –
What a clever Idea..but they don't give actual sizes.. I'm 5 ft 2 and that one the men are wearing would be far to long for me and they don't give the kids 1&2 sizes.. which is a shame.
Stuart Learmonth –
if you look for it on Amazon they do (Amazon UK that is – dunno about Aus)
Stuart Learmonth –
if you look for it on Amazon they do (Amazon UK that is – dunno about Aus)
Georgina Anders –
Check out lazypatch….Aussie company with a FB page!
Cchhoouuaa Hheerr –
Lol.. " Perfect if your flight is delayed or if you’re a bum on the street!"
Lynn Cossette –
haha @ bum on the street.. like THEY could afford one.. d'oh
Heather Boelter –
youd be surprised at how much some "homeless" or "bums" make…double digits sometimes
Dawn Field –
Be ashamed of yourself Lynn Cossette, that comment was cruel and uncalled for.
Nathaniel Fisher –
Yea lady, your implying that because their homeless theirs pathetic and broke. I'd slap you.
Shannyn Marie –
Ummm Ever hear of NOMADS..?? Some people actually CHOOSE to live that way, and live in forested areas.. Just b/c a person is homeless.. does NOT mean they're a Broke ass loser!! And for the ones that couldn't afford it…what better Christmas present, there are SO many dfferent organizations that help out the homeless, especially at Christmas
Rude ass! >:(
Kellys Clearout –
for andrea…who needs one for our office xxx
Cassandra Struck –
Definitely need a couple of these for survival kit!
Caitlin Schmidtke –
So I suppose you have to strip it off to go to the toilet or has that been taken care of as well – be interesting to know!
Cherry Philips –
Coming to the homelessness near you !
Robert Holmes –
Need one of these.
Lee-Anne Bennett –
Perfect for those cold winter nights! Better than snuggies!
Galen Huntsman –
Alexandria Rodriguez –
this reminds me of a sweater and pants… funny how you could just layer up on some pants and a hooded sweater and BAM-your own wearable sleeping bag.
Tiffany Rice –
Really um it's called a snow suit
Tiffany Rice –
Really um it's called a snow suit
Callum Dyer –
No really um it's called a wearable sleeping bag
Michelle Grey –
I need this for college, it gets soooo damned cold on that farm.
Michelle Grey –
I need this for college, it gets soooo damned cold on that farm.
Amy Faulkner –
Hell yeah! I need one!
Dustin Lara –
This is sweet. Good idea
Ashley Horning –
Miranda Solideo
Gem Morgan –
I really want one!
Garrhet Sampson –
Shut up and take my money!
Harald Pedersen –
I need one asap.
John Shaggy Metcalf Jr –
Shut up and take my money
John Shaggy Metcalf Jr –
Shut up and take my money
Marie Murphy –
Gordon Admans –
wear one of these bags when you driving a vw camper van.
Hayley Ruck –
Move over onesie!, I NEED ONE! x
Janine May –
want one
Tyler Campbell –
does it have a flap to poop out of?
Chasmine Lazzara Lindefors –
Natasha Wilson –
Heles, this is what you need.
Helen Lodge –
You are so right! Need one to face the freezing office again today :-S
Bill Bryant –
Glastonbury could do with a few thousand of these…..
Amanda Holleufer-Taylor –
Awesome camping sleeping bag.
Stacey Morgan –
I want one!
Matt Walter –
How do you sneak a 2nd person into that!??
Deborah Rollings –
brilliant ! what an excellent thing to own !
I'd keep it in the boot ! just in case I ever got stranded out in the snow !
Shae Mclean –
Every bum should have one!
Christopher Lai –
don't think bums on the street can afford this…
Christopher Lai –
don't think bums on the street can afford this…
Lynn Wallis –
I think ill be having one of these for wigwamarama girlies, nae need tae get changed at all.
Lynn Karnes Trahan –
Lynn Karnes Trahan –
Tyler Blake Kim –
What bum on the street is going to be able to afford this? Especially a bum in NYC.
Alex Leyva Pena –
Bagging it.
Margaret Smith –
Marinaki Proko –
if you’re a bum on the street you cant fucking afford it!
Lori Ann Coty –
I need one of these
Bee TuLa –
Has anyone bought anything on this site before?
Ronda Anderson –
Would be nice for the cold soccer games or football games!
Ronda Anderson –
Would be nice for the cold soccer games or football games!
Louise Nevin –
I want two lol
Louise Nevin –
I want two lol
Karen Narvey –
handy when you're watching a hockey game at the rink. brrr.
Crystal Durivage –
This would be good for paintball
Barbara VanHuss –
How 'bout mowing the grass when it's cool out.
Barbara VanHuss –
How 'bout mowing the grass when it's cool out.
Crystal Durivage –
This would be good for paintball
Molly Lafferty –
Thats called a 1zy
Molly Lafferty –
Thats called a 1zy
Kemora Johnson –
No this is smart as hell you Don't have to worry about a tick crawling up your ass from a sleeping bag and ruining your life. .. not laziness a smart way to avoid the bs for a great disease free life if you love to go camping I know you've heard of lyme disease
Seva Singh –
These would have been great in Phoenix when the Occupy movement was in full force. People were not allowed to camp using anything other than the clothes on their backs. No mats, no blankets whatsoever. I'm just glad that I can still put up a tent to get my Selena Gomez and Justin Beiber tickets. Silly protesters. Pfffft
Kelly Nocsg Freeman –
perfect winter doof attire…:)
Gary Scotcher –
want one
Patricia Moloney –
I want one.
Chloe Bethke –
Asking this for Christmas!
‘Javes Tiongco –
Cool…Great for outdoor…
Angela Goodrum Sanginario –
Every soccer parent needs this.
Ben Quinn –
for sleeping on the go.
Ben Quinn –
for sleeping on the go.
Kit McLaughlin –
Kit McLaughlin –
Becki Dunwell –
Ha ud look so shexy at Leeds fest in this hahaha x
Kit McLaughlin –
You know it baby,please can I have one?
Chris Base –
I want one of the yellow ones but theres only pink left
Alec Faircloth –
Great for gamers because snuggies don't work. And do I see a pocket for slimjims or other gamer snacks :)?!
SoOz Crow –
I want one of these!!!
Samantha Davison –
I want one so much
Jon Starr –
£69 is a lot to pay for a 'bum on the street', cardboard boxes are free ;).
Jon Starr –
£69 is a lot to pay for a 'bum on the street', cardboard boxes are free ;).
Aaron Escobedo –
I want to fuck in one…
Aaron Escobedo –
I want to fuck in one…
Aaron Escobedo –
thats the question. Can i have sex with my female partner without getting cold…
Aaron Escobedo –
thats the question. Can i have sex with my female partner without getting cold…
Matthew D. Escobedo –
Grow up
Lynne Escobedo –
Uh, I think you'll need to block me too little boy!
Nikkii Ralph –
smart as fuck
Del Blackburn –
Do they have one for two people?
Stuart Paton –
Needs a zip for taking a piss or a shit.
Diana Peace –
Yes please
Jessica Brown –
I totally want one! you know how comfy and warm that fucking looks!
Maxine Cansdale Brown –
Kids dad xmas prezzie sorted
Zachary Harvey Wood –
Zachary Harvey Wood –
IThomas Soneofour –
I want one half price pleeeez
Jennifer Radick –
Bums couldn't pay for the shipping
Michael Barry –
Cool way too save on power
Heidi Mitched –
I dig…cozy…
David Jackson –
Get a white one and be a yetti
AmyLiiciious Fenemore –
Gregory Mcindoo –
Gortex,camo?just what every homless person needs,!!!remind me of this in6 monthsdude!!
Xiola Gray –
I don't think a bum on the street would buy this.
Victoria Rebecca Thomas –
That should contain body heat efficiently while camping!
Victoria Rebecca Thomas –
That should contain body heat efficiently while camping!
Haley Lethbridge –
I need to find a way to get these to New Zealand. Why aren't these here already? NZ would love this stuff!
Jonathan Garrett –
Wow…. We Americans just keep getting lazier and lazier
Kat Ie –
This has nothing to do with being lazy.
Elijah Saddiq Muhammad –
but everything to do with being american
Erik Michael –
a sleeping bag is lazy, one you can wear and do shit in is not lazy.
Dmitry Dlee Kuzmenok –
Welcme to America!!! XD
Dele Bucknor –
They are designed by a Chilean bloke so how is it American?
Steven Berney –
They're called Musuc Suits or Selk'Bag's and they're awesome!
Jasmine Jaekel –
exactly it's just awesome warm comfortness!
Amanda Shaw –
Remember that if you ever break down in a car in the freezing cold. I bet you'd wish you'd have them then. Dumb ass.
Lisa-ann Mcmullin-george –
I'm simply a skinny, low vitamin level American who is cold allllll theee timeeeeee (sleep with blankets in August). Though I CAN be "lazy" at times… DOUBLE BONUS!
Stuart Learmonth –
I want one for the snow kit I keep in the car
Jo Andrewes –
Chilly nights in when you can't be arsed to light a fire?
Jo Andrewes –
Chilly nights in when you can't be arsed to light a fire?
Jimmy McGarry –
Or when he would… you know, use a sleeping bag?
Cheryl Fust –
I want one.
Amanda Carps –
Yes please!!
Deb Ladika Ward –
This would be great for a football game!
Debs Bennett –
Would get 2 of these for my kids for army cadets but carnt afford the price not for 2
Kaz Phillips –
What a clever Idea..but they don't give actual sizes.. I'm 5 ft 2 and that one the men are wearing would be far to long for me and they don't give the kids 1&2 sizes.. which is a shame.
Stuart Learmonth –
if you look for it on Amazon they do (Amazon UK that is – dunno about Aus)
Stuart Learmonth –
if you look for it on Amazon they do (Amazon UK that is – dunno about Aus)
Georgina Anders –
Check out lazypatch….Aussie company with a FB page!
Cchhoouuaa Hheerr –
Lol.. " Perfect if your flight is delayed or if you’re a bum on the street!"
Lynn Cossette –
haha @ bum on the street.. like THEY could afford one.. d'oh
Heather Boelter –
youd be surprised at how much some "homeless" or "bums" make…double digits sometimes
Dawn Field –
Be ashamed of yourself Lynn Cossette, that comment was cruel and uncalled for.
Nathaniel Fisher –
Yea lady, your implying that because their homeless theirs pathetic and broke. I'd slap you.
Shannyn Marie –
Ummm Ever hear of NOMADS..?? Some people actually CHOOSE to live that way, and live in forested areas.. Just b/c a person is homeless.. does NOT mean they're a Broke ass loser!! And for the ones that couldn't afford it…what better Christmas present, there are SO many dfferent organizations that help out the homeless, especially at Christmas
Rude ass! >:(
Kellys Clearout –
for andrea…who needs one for our office xxx
Cassandra Struck –
Definitely need a couple of these for survival kit!
Caitlin Schmidtke –
So I suppose you have to strip it off to go to the toilet or has that been taken care of as well – be interesting to know!
Cherry Philips –
Coming to the homelessness near you !
Robert Holmes –
Need one of these.
Lee-Anne Bennett –
Perfect for those cold winter nights! Better than snuggies!
Galen Huntsman –
Alexandria Rodriguez –
this reminds me of a sweater and pants… funny how you could just layer up on some pants and a hooded sweater and BAM-your own wearable sleeping bag.
Tiffany Rice –
Really um it's called a snow suit
Tiffany Rice –
Really um it's called a snow suit
Callum Dyer –
No really um it's called a wearable sleeping bag
Michelle Grey –
I need this for college, it gets soooo damned cold on that farm.
Michelle Grey –
I need this for college, it gets soooo damned cold on that farm.
Amy Faulkner –
Hell yeah! I need one!
Dustin Lara –
This is sweet. Good idea
Ashley Horning –
Miranda Solideo
Gem Morgan –
I really want one!
Garrhet Sampson –
Shut up and take my money!
Harald Pedersen –
I need one asap.
John Shaggy Metcalf Jr –
Shut up and take my money
John Shaggy Metcalf Jr –
Shut up and take my money
Marie Murphy –
Gordon Admans –
wear one of these bags when you driving a vw camper van.
Hayley Ruck –
Move over onesie!, I NEED ONE! x
Janine May –
want one
Tyler Campbell –
does it have a flap to poop out of?
Chasmine Lazzara Lindefors –
Natasha Wilson –
Heles, this is what you need.
Helen Lodge –
You are so right! Need one to face the freezing office again today :-S
Bill Bryant –
Glastonbury could do with a few thousand of these…..
Amanda Holleufer-Taylor –
Awesome camping sleeping bag.
Stacey Morgan –
I want one!
Matt Walter –
How do you sneak a 2nd person into that!??
Deborah Rollings –
brilliant ! what an excellent thing to own !
I'd keep it in the boot ! just in case I ever got stranded out in the snow !
Shae Mclean –
Every bum should have one!
Christopher Lai –
don't think bums on the street can afford this…
Christopher Lai –
don't think bums on the street can afford this…
Lynn Wallis –
I think ill be having one of these for wigwamarama girlies, nae need tae get changed at all.
Lynn Karnes Trahan –
Lynn Karnes Trahan –
Tyler Blake Kim –
What bum on the street is going to be able to afford this? Especially a bum in NYC.
Alex Leyva Pena –
Bagging it.
Margaret Smith –
Marinaki Proko –
if you’re a bum on the street you cant fucking afford it!
Lori Ann Coty –
I need one of these
Bee TuLa –
Has anyone bought anything on this site before?
Ronda Anderson –
Would be nice for the cold soccer games or football games!
Ronda Anderson –
Would be nice for the cold soccer games or football games!
Louise Nevin –
I want two lol
Louise Nevin –
I want two lol
Karen Narvey –
handy when you're watching a hockey game at the rink. brrr.
Crystal Durivage –
This would be good for paintball
Barbara VanHuss –
How 'bout mowing the grass when it's cool out.
Barbara VanHuss –
How 'bout mowing the grass when it's cool out.
Crystal Durivage –
This would be good for paintball
Molly Lafferty –
Thats called a 1zy
Molly Lafferty –
Thats called a 1zy
Kemora Johnson –
No this is smart as hell you Don't have to worry about a tick crawling up your ass from a sleeping bag and ruining your life. .. not laziness a smart way to avoid the bs for a great disease free life if you love to go camping I know you've heard of lyme disease
Seva Singh –
These would have been great in Phoenix when the Occupy movement was in full force. People were not allowed to camp using anything other than the clothes on their backs. No mats, no blankets whatsoever. I'm just glad that I can still put up a tent to get my Selena Gomez and Justin Beiber tickets. Silly protesters. Pfffft
Kelly Nocsg Freeman –
perfect winter doof attire…:)
Gary Scotcher –
want one
Patricia Moloney –
I want one.
Chloe Bethke –
Asking this for Christmas!
‘Javes Tiongco –
Cool…Great for outdoor…
Angela Goodrum Sanginario –
Every soccer parent needs this.
Ben Quinn –
for sleeping on the go.
Ben Quinn –
for sleeping on the go.
Kit McLaughlin –
Kit McLaughlin –
Becki Dunwell –
Ha ud look so shexy at Leeds fest in this hahaha x
Kit McLaughlin –
You know it baby,please can I have one?
Chris Base –
I want one of the yellow ones but theres only pink left
Alec Faircloth –
Great for gamers because snuggies don't work. And do I see a pocket for slimjims or other gamer snacks :)?!
SoOz Crow –
I want one of these!!!
Samantha Davison –
I want one so much
Jon Starr –
£69 is a lot to pay for a 'bum on the street', cardboard boxes are free ;).
Jon Starr –
£69 is a lot to pay for a 'bum on the street', cardboard boxes are free ;).
Aaron Escobedo –
I want to fuck in one…
Aaron Escobedo –
I want to fuck in one…
Aaron Escobedo –
thats the question. Can i have sex with my female partner without getting cold…
Aaron Escobedo –
thats the question. Can i have sex with my female partner without getting cold…
Matthew D. Escobedo –
Grow up
Lynne Escobedo –
Uh, I think you'll need to block me too little boy!
Nikkii Ralph –
smart as fuck
Del Blackburn –
Do they have one for two people?
Stuart Paton –
Needs a zip for taking a piss or a shit.
Diana Peace –
Yes please
Jessica Brown –
I totally want one! you know how comfy and warm that fucking looks!
Maxine Cansdale Brown –
Kids dad xmas prezzie sorted
Zachary Harvey Wood –
Zachary Harvey Wood –
IThomas Soneofour –
I want one half price pleeeez
Jennifer Radick –
Bums couldn't pay for the shipping
Michael Barry –
Cool way too save on power
Heidi Mitched –
I dig…cozy…
David Jackson –
Get a white one and be a yetti
AmyLiiciious Fenemore –
Gregory Mcindoo –
Gortex,camo?just what every homless person needs,!!!remind me of this in6 monthsdude!!
Xiola Gray –
I don't think a bum on the street would buy this.
Victoria Rebecca Thomas –
That should contain body heat efficiently while camping!
Victoria Rebecca Thomas –
That should contain body heat efficiently while camping!
Haley Lethbridge –
I need to find a way to get these to New Zealand. Why aren't these here already? NZ would love this stuff!
Te Uruputihi Barbarich –
When u do ill have one too haha
Mavis Karaka –
Me 3. Luv u Gavin Lefty Lethbridge
Gavin Lefty Lethbridge –
Luv u to Aunty
Mavis Karaka –
Wrong answer Gavin Lefty Lethbridge. lol
Gavin Lefty Lethbridge –