Cooking can be time consuming and sometimes boring when you run out of ideas of what to make. This is why you will love this post! We have put together a collection 15 awesome and simple food hacks which will amaze your friends and save you precious minutes so you can get on with other things.
Ever wondered how to open a can of soda without it exploding in your face? Perhaps you are having a party and want to know just how to make a picture perfect ice cream sandwich? Take a look at the food hacks below for inspiration and don't forget to let us know which one is your favorite!

Tear and share cheesy bread looks impressive and is so simple to make. YUM!

Cool and edible dessert bowls. Saves washing up!

Because nobody likes a soggy salad!

This is so easy and looks so impressive!

No more bugs in your drinks.

YUM! Enough said.

Tap the top of the can three times to allow the bubbles to rise and the drink to settle and then open without soaking yourself.

Pretty lemons make a cute garnish.

Arguably the most perfect ice cream sandwich ever!

A container of frozen water in your drink will keep it cool all day long.

So simple yet so effective!

Break eggs into the food of your choice for a creative take on breakfast. Great with onions, mushrooms, peppers and more!
Watch the video below
Store sour cream and cottage cheese upside down. The vacuum prevents bacteria wrecking your snack.
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