It's so much harder to make new friends as you get older, that's why it's important to make an effort with every new one you make, but if you're used to hanging out with your best friend, then you'll realize that spending time with your new friend is a very different kettle of fish. Flo Perry has done some hilarious illustrations, for 'Buzzfeed', that we think you'll identify with if you've ever been in this situation! Check out these eight differences between what it's like spending time with your new friend and what it's like spending time with your best friend!
Watching TV with your new friend…
Watching TV with your best friend…
When your new friend spends the night…
When your best friend spends the night…
Going shopping with your new friend…
Going shopping with your best friend…
When you talk about old times with your new friend…
When you talk about old times with your best friend…
Going to the bathroom with your new friend…
Going to the bathroom with your best friend…
When your new friend comes over…
When your best friend comes over…
Talking about guys with your new friend…
Talking about guys with your best friend…
Eating with your new friend…
Eating with your best friend…
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