Sometimes known as 'the ET of cats' the Sphynx breed of cat is a sight to behold. Despite the appearance of this 'naked' cat being perhaps a little confronting the first time you lay eyes on one, they are one of the friendliest most 'people loving' cat breeds around. Artist Vanessa a.k.a Psyca from Portugal is the proud owner, or 'mama' of a Sphynx cat. Her speciality is Sphynx art. Vanessa says 'ever since I started to portrait my baby Sphynx in art, breeders and Sphynx mamas have been asking me to do theirs'. Check out some of her amazingly psychedelic work below…
Website: society6
Victorian Sphynx

Sphynx Unicorn

The Creation of Sphynx

Returning Home

Scarface Sphynx

Cairo in Wonderland

Weekends with a Sphynx

Looking for Sphynx Galaxy

Say No To Pants

Psica Logo

source: 1
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