During pregnancy, women experience physical and hormonal changes and some other things men don’t understand. This can be stressful for the mother-to-be. On the other hand, men aren’t also off the hook from the stresses of pregnancy. Men also have struggles to go through for their pregnant wives. Mood swings and food cravings are some of the things that husbands need to comprehend. This is the stage wherein their wives can drive them crazy. But they have to endure everything just to make their wives happy. We have gathered the funniest photos showing the struggles husbands go through over the course of pregnancy.
Never speak the prohibited words.

Taking a pregnant wife for a walk requires a lot of preparation.

Don’t expect a pregnant woman to make up her mind.

Husbands will do anything to make his pregnant wife happy and relaxed.

When your wife asks you to buy pickles, treat it as if your life depends on it.

You can touch anything but not her juice.

For whatever reason it is.

For these husbands, the struggle is real. Taking care of a pregnant wife is not a walk in the park. But the struggles husbands have to face are all worth it.
“My pregnant wife asked me for a small bowl of cereal. I delivered.”

That’s definitely not a question.

Can you take a hint?

When your pregnant wife craves for Runts but only wants the banana candies.

Even dogs have their own struggles to go through.

You better keep those beards until the baby can wear that overalls.

When she can’t reach her toes due to her baby bump, the husband comes to the rescue.

Mood swing at its finest.