Here's a story that has been floating around the internet for a while, but we think this moving tale deserves to be shared. It all starts off with a husband and wife who own two pitbull type dogs. The wife loved and trusted these dogs unconditionally, but the husband was more wary of them, due to the scary stories you hear about pitbulls.

So, when the couple found out that they were expecting their first child, the husband was adamant that the dogs would have to go, whereas the wife knew that it would be just fine. Eventually, the husband agreed to wait and see how the dogs behaved around the baby.

When the new mom and dad got home from the hospital with their newborn daughter, they were expecting to have to take things slowly. However, something happened that neither of them had expected, the dogs took to the baby instantly. In fact, one of their dogs, Zack, licked and fussed over the little girl so much, that they had to tell him to stop.

From then on, Zack and the little girl were inseparable. Zack would watch over her crib when she was sleeping and, from the day that she could climb the stairs by herself, he would walk her up to bed every night and make sure she got there safely. But, then tragedy struck when the little girl was five. Zack was poisoned by some nasty neighborhood kids, and passed away. The whole family were beside themselves at this loss.

When bedtime came, the little girl went to the stairs and realized there was no Zack to walk her up to bed. She stopped, distraught, as this was the first night she could remember when her four-legged friend wasn't there for her. But, then, something unexpected happened… The family's other pitbull got up and came over to the stairs. Giving the little girl a nudge, he then walked her up to bed.

The pair became fast friends, and the dog walked the little girl up to bed every night after that, until he passed from natural causes six years later.
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