Dedications are something that most books have but often aren’t very memorable. However, they aren’t all unimaginative and generic! Here we have a collection of the best book dedications you’ll ever read that proves just that. These authors all have a fantastic sense of humor! Many of these dedications are clever and unique, we certainly won’t be forgetting them any time soon. Take a look, you’ll never look at a book dedication in the same way again!
15 Of The Best Book Dedications You’ll Ever Read
Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang by Chelsea Handler. That’s sibling love for you!

We love this. There are plenty of animals in this world who are better than humans!

If you find you fit into this category of people, know that you haven’t been forgotten.

We love the honesty and simplicity of this one!

No Way Back by Matthew Klein. Mothers don’t need to see certain things!

That sounds like one very supportive and secure wife!

The Selection By Keira Cass. We bet dad is proud.

Diary Of A Mad Diva by Joan Rivers. You can never fault Joan’s sense of humor.

Mortal Gods (The Goddess War) by Kendare Blake. If you don’t ask you don’t get!

Mortal Coil by Derek Landy. You can tell these people have a great relationship.

The End Games by T. Michael Martin. Never forget, old school Nintendo.

An Introduction To Algebraic Topology by Joseph J. Rotman. We love an unexpected ending!

Let’s Pretend This Never Happened: A Mostly True Memoir By Jenny Lawson.

Finally the family members can be at peace. Even though no names were mentioned!

The Invisible Hook: The Hidden Economics Of Pirates by Peter Leeson. A unique proposal indeed!