It’s normal to hope or even expect that things will always go our way. Unfortunately, that’s simply not how life works. And as much as we want to keep Lady Luck by our sides, she just often wanders off without prior notice. Well, a lot of people can certainly attest to that. And these photos of things gone wrong are proof that not every day is bound to be a good day.
From burning your tongue, spilling your coffee to stepping on your pet’s poop, and more, a lot of things can indeed go wrong in just a single day. But with nearly eight billion people in the world, it’s only safe to assume that some people are having it worse than you. So, if today hasn’t been kind to you, we hope you’ll find comfort in knowing that you are not alone.
“I’m 49… Just found this in my mum’s bookcase… WTF”

“Feeling like Kevin from the office right now.”

“Was confused when it didn’t sound like it hit the floor”

“Blursed tan lines”

“Tiny body or giant head?”

“One thing I won’t ever do again is build a snow dalek. I did that when we lived at our old house as the kids were into Dr Who. I learnt that when snowdaleks start to melt, they upset the neighbours”

“I wouldn’t be going home after that”

“Friend of mine posted this photo of the job site today”

“When you realize yeast doesn’t stop working just because it’s in a dumpster!”

“I have lost one piece of this 2000 pieces puzzle”

An Honest Mistake

“To whoever dumped their old bedframe by TJ’s in Hyde Park, choose a less windy day next time so it doesn’t get stuck to the side of my house pls xoxoxo”

“Hiked two hours to set up a picnic, returned to this”

“3 am snack”


“When sausage rolls go wrong…”

In fact, instead of sulking, other people are even sharing their stories of misfortune online. And while it’s wrong to delight in other people’s misery, their stories will definitely make you feel a little less awful about your current situation. But if you’re just as “lucky” as them, then you’ve probably experienced the same tragedy at one point in your life. Apparently, there are some lessons in life which we ought to learn the hard way. And more often than not, we have no control over these things.
“My brother, on the ride home from picking up his new puppy.”

“I paid $6 to have two slices of American Cheese delivered to my door.”

“Whipped myself into a frustrated rage trying to find my drill for half an hour.”

“Apparently he’s allergic to almost everything on the allergy skin test. Some of it was so swollen the doctor could barely tell which was which.”

“I have no choice but to teach him how to drive”

“My dad’s old truck got hit by a truck carrying old rotten potato slurry to a feedlot for cows. His passenger window was down…”

“Lost my wallet 3 days ago, finally ordered new cards and then…”

“Was looking forward to having some nice bread from a local bakery”

“The printer exploded…”

“Somebody didn’t strap the egg trolleys in properly on the truck. 10,500 eggs broken”

These photos of things gone wrong are proof that not every day is bound to be a good day
“I cleaned the cat’s litter box and brought the bag with me to throw away in my outdoor trash can on the way to work. I also brought my lunch. Guess which one got thrown away and which one came to work with me.”

“It’s just a little ice, it’s fine.”

“Aaaand there go my $300 headphones”

“His wedding venue was double-booked with a furry convention”

However, you can definitely control how you react to these things. So, after a few minutes of ranting about how terrible your day was, move on, and just take it as a lesson. We know, it’s easier said than done, so it’s okay even if you take a while to adopt this mindset. In the meantime, you might want to learn from other people’s experiences to avoid making the same mistake.
We surely won’t wish these disasters even upon our worst enemies!
“There was an attempt to transport corn”

“When you try to bake a rainbow cake and it ends up looking like a unicorn’s a**hole”

“Well, friends. This is what came in the mail. I’m gonna need something else, please.”

“I went back to the apartment and they screwed up the whole bathroom”

“This is the worst picture ever taken of me”

“Forgot my headphones on the ground while the Roomba was running”

“I need a file lost in this room”

“My friend works as an extra in movies and does stock photography… just saw him pictured as a sex offender on a bus in Florida”

“My daughter – Class of 2020”

“Priest accidentally live-streams mass with hat and sunglasses filter on”

“My cat just came back from one of her evening strolls with someone else’s keys in her mouth”

“Now we know who the favorite child is”

“Our puppy had explosive diarrhea all over my wife”

“It was a great day till this moment”

“This happened to my car today!”

“Guess who’s severely allergic to hair dye? This girl!”

“I accidentally put my leather gloves in the washing machine”

Have you experienced any of these tragedies firsthand? Let us know in the comments section below!