There are a few different types of people in this world when it comes to being single. There are those who are proud of it and couldn’t enjoy it more, those who loathe being single and crave being loved, and finally, those who are a strange combination of the two! One moment you love having the whole bed to yourself and the next you want to cry at how lonely you are. Feelings are a complicated thing so the best thing we can recommend to do is sit back, relax, and take a look at this amusing post that all singletons can relate to!
And plenty of them!

How inconsiderate! The poor dog must’ve been really offended…

More people need to be aware of the double couch nest…

When you thought something was going to be really exiting but it ends up really terrible…


Damn you, milk.

‘And, I have a great sense of humor!’

The struggle is real…

A good indicator…

The nation of no disappointment…

Bonding over hatred for others can be rather fun.

The day after Halloween and the day after Valentine’s are just the best for buying sweet treats.

This is priceless!

Play it cool. It never happened…

Table for one please…

Being single really can be a confusing thing. On the one hand, you feel super independent and free, on the other hand, all you want is for someone to shower you with affection and take care of you forever. It seems that when we want to be single there’s lots of drama and when you don’t want to be single no one is remotely interested in you. But, fear not! As the saying goes something always comes along when you aren’t looking for it. Stay strong singletons, remember you are great on your own but should you want a relationship we are sure that the right one will come eventually!
Life is such an emotional roller coaster.

When you just want to see the world burn…

Which one would you prefer?

TWO night stands? Wow!

How life feels…

This is so spot on.

People find happiness in different places…

This looks like a fabulous place to be.

What a lovely smile! The cat’s pretty cute too.

Well, we know which one we think is the best!

If you want an honest answer…