No safe is place for your children. This is now the harsh reality and the reason for most parents’ anxiety. Unforeseeable chaos can happen anytime anywhere. In particular, even school campuses are not safe anymore. The recent number of school shooting incidents is significantly alarming. Parents are now scared for their children’s safety. Not only that but children are even afraid to go to school now. In the aftermath of the most recent Florida school shooting, a Connecticut woman’s advice on social media made the public interest spark. And what’s her advice? Give doorstops to your kids.
Always have your kids carry doorstops in their backpacks.

Several school shooting incidents in the US have caused turmoil among anxious citizens and bereaved parents.
The most recent shooting took place in Parkland, Florida where 17 people were killed by a teenage gunman.
Other schools in Florida show their support and sympathy to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and the innocent lives lost due to the tragedy.
The increasing number of school shooting incidents is quite alarming.
Schools are offering training programs to educate teachers and students with safety measures to prepare themselves in case of unforeseeable attack.
A Connecticut woman decided to share one useful hack to help save lives during shooting incidents. Katie Cornelis has been practicing this hack since 2012. And she knew she needs to help other parents after the news about the Florida tragedy broke out.

This is her Facebook post.
Katie got this simple hack from a security expert and she has been doing it since then. Now it’s about time other people have to do it too.

Here’s another way that doorstops can help save lives.
Katie’s Facebook post went viral while more and more people keep sharing her message across the globe. Another woman posted a message telling how doorstops can help save lives in another way.
The doorstop hack may not be the absolute solution to these shooting incidents but it can keep kids safe by barricading themselves in a locked room.
The fight against violence and the advocacy for gun control still continue until the safety of every child is ensured.
The government still has a long way to go to eradicate shooting incidents in schools. Besides, children can’t always rely on doorstops any longer. They need a complete solution that can safeguard their lives in school.