If you enjoy retro gaming then you've probably always wanted to possess your own games cabinet, like the ones in your favorite arcades. Well, now you can have one even if you don't have much space or spare cash! How? Well, the 'Tiny Arcade' is a fully functional, playable gaming cabinet that fits in the palm of your hand. It doesn't quite have the impact of a full-sized model, but still pretty neat! This project is currently being funded via 'Kickstarter'. At the time of writing, it was still a bit off its $25,000 target, so if you want one of your own, you'd better get donating! Just $60 will get you a DIY kit with everything you need to build your own tiny arcade, and $75 will get you one already built. What are you waiting for? Check it out!
Website: Kickstarter

What do you think of these Tiny Arcades? We totally need one… or three!
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