Ensure your tortoise gains the respect he deserves from the other tortoises on the block by making him this cool Super Mario Bros. Bowser sweater. Your pet will walk a little taller and with extra attitude when he is transformed into the evil lizard king from the well loved game series. Created by Jennifer Olivarez, the sweater in the photos below was a gift for a friend who kept losing her tortoise in the garden. There will be no chance of your pet blending into the background when he is looking this regal and cool! Full instructions here.
Website: SquirrelPicnic
Making the 7 spikes.

Making the rings to go around the base of the spikes.

Putting everything together.

It's really beginning to take shape!

Remember to put the elastic inside the strap!

Make sure the strap is long enough and attached securely.

The finished article!

Bowser or King Koopa as he is also known.

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