Jane Long, an Australian photographer and graphic designer, has taken a series of vintage photographs and played with them to create new and magical images. The original photos were taken by renowned WW1 photographer Costica Acsinte in the early part of the 20th century, but have now been archived and fallen into the public domain. What's so wonderful and haunting about Long's images is that she has taken photos of people who are almost definitely no longer on this mortal coil and sent them off on new adventures. Long's transformed images often have odd or surreal elements within them, that make the viewer really linger on the images to try and take it all in. Let's have a look!
Website: Jane Long
If you'd like to know how she does it, check out this short video!
We think Long's images are fantastic! What are your thoughts on these pieces? Feel free to let us know in the comments section below!
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