It seems in modern times many animals such as cats, dogs and birds have become popular on social media. Some of them even have their own Facebook pages and Twitter accounts! This may seem like overkill but often these pages are just brilliant. Here we have a great example of that. Below we have a list of funny tweets by Curious Zelda, a feline with almost 30k Twitter followers! Amusing poems, life struggles and fantastic pictures are all waiting for you… take a look!
The new worldwide anthem for all cats…

Procrastinating at its finest…

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Just in case you were curious…

How romantic! Who doesn’t love hairballs?

How can you not forgive a face like this?

Zelda is definitely channeling her inner dog here.

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Imagine the music video for the ’99 Problems’ song, but replace all humans with cats…

When you’re waiting for breakfast, lunch or dinner…

Night club looks pretty damn wild…

Overcharging can lead to a number of side effects…

Sometimes our paths are set out for us…

Cats can be such anarchists!

Those eyes look like they have seen some unthinkable things…

Tripping over your cat is never fun. It’s usually their fault but you still feel awful!