No matter whether we are just a trainee or master chefs, we could all use a little help in the kitchen. Whether it’s knowing which wine to pair with which cheese, the secret to a perfectly boiled egg, or how to stop brown sugar from clumping, these 16 tricks of the trade will help make your day on kitchen duty that little bit easier.
Use a Mason Jar & Salt Lid for a Coffee or Sugar Container:

Know Your Wine & Cheese Pairings:

Use a Thumb Tack For the Perfect Boiled Egg:

Freeze Cool Whip in Cookie Cutters For Your Beverages:

Keep Brown Sugar from Clumping with Marshmallows:

Tortillas on the Oven Rack Make for Great Taco Shells:

How to Serve a Well-balanced Cheese Plate:

An Apple Slicer Can Quickly Cut Potatoes

How to Cut A Watermelon Perfectly:

Grill Fish on a Bed of Lemons:

Freeze Lemon Slices in a Cupcake Pan for Pitcher Ice cubes:

The Best Way to Cut a Mango

Boiled Water = Clear Ice Cubes

Cook Hash Browns in a Waffle Maker:

Use Two Bowls to Cut Corn off the Cob:

Core an Iceberg Lettuce Instantly By Smashing It:

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