Many of you around the world would have heard of the tragic killing of Cecil the beloved lion who was one of the most popular attractions at Zimbabwe's Hwange National Park. The glorious animal was lured out of the park at night, then shot and wounded with a bow. After 40 hours, Walter Palmer succeeded in taking the animals life furthermore beheading and skinning him.
Palmer, a trophied archer, paid a guide $55,000 to lure Cecil out of the park for him to hunt. He has since expressed regret towards the situation expressing that he thought he was partaking in a legal hunt, as he likes to carry out his passion responsibly. Despite this, people all over the world have not taken lightly to the situation and Palmer has since closed down his dental office, which isn't surprising if you take a look at its current reviews online.
We hope that wherever you may be Cecil that you are able to rest in peace. We hope this shows just how wrong hunting can go, as now the world has lost a truly loved and beautiful animal. See some of the backlash of the hunt below through twitter and admire some lovely pictures of Cecil in all his glory.
Website: 5ABCNews
